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  1. M

    34lbs of muscle in a month?

    I don't know about a month, but the venerable Pook claims to have done it in 3 months:
  2. M


    I have a bench with some of those cheap plastic weights, barbell and some dumbells and an incline situp bench. I can't really put enough weight on the dumbells to do anything useful with though. No spotter though.
  3. M


    See, now that's some good information, that's what I'm looking for. Now, what the hell is that? I never said I was an inactive couch potato. I WORK for a living doing physical things. I said I was moderately strong, not a tub of lard. Thanks Einstein. Ever insightful. I'm not...
  4. M


    Ok, some quick background on me first I guess. I'm a very stocky moderately strong 245 lbs and 6' tall. I've been told by an ex body builder guy that I have a great frame for body building. I don't really look "FAT" in clothes, but without it's obvious. Ok, I admit it, I'm fat and out of...
  5. M

    Food database (excel)

    Yes, my first post. are first posts supposed to always be good? [B] Well, it worked for me yesterday, try again I guess.
  6. M

    Food database (excel)

    Thought this might be handy for some of you, has all the mineral vitamin fat calorie misc info about a bunch of food in an excel spreadsheat. Based on The USDA Nutrient Database for Standard Reference, Release 13 Get it here: