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  1. IKO69

    How to take rejections

    There are lots of brainiacs that have this problem - they'll talk like they are some kind of living, breathing encyclopedia- they can recite all these mathematical theorems and proofs, engineer bridges and dams but put them around a woman they like and want to approach, they shut down and can't...
  2. IKO69

    Get Your Asses To the Gym!!!

    Hope you do it bud and then slay. Good luck
  3. IKO69

    Got hit on and got a number from a sexy 25 year old at the water park today. Why? Because I am in shape.

    Yes, working out is of capital importance. There is nothing that will hurt you more than being an out of shape looking, beer swilling with a gut, couch potato. Physical attraction goes both ways and yes, women do value a man who can protect them. Working out is essential and one of the...
  4. IKO69

    I think my LTR is cheating!

    Got in this one late, not much to say has already been said x 100 lolol Always trust your gut op, your intuition will generally never mislead you. I wouldve confronted her about it way back when and beat her to the punch by telling her sayonarra. You'll meet someone just as good in time...
  5. IKO69

    Get Your Asses To the Gym!!!

    At 6'3 300lbs of course you will command respect. Everyone is scared you will either sit on them or eat them;) One my best friends 230 and pretty lean he is 6'5 tho. I could never imagine carrying that amount of mass. I could probably add another 5 to 10 lbs according to Steeve Reeves...
  6. IKO69

    The rate of ED doubles

    I can assure you I am not telling you something I heard from some popular YT keto figure head. An example of a source I have used is Dr Joseph Kraft's book, he was a pathologist. He wrote this book Diabetes Epidemic and You. It's technical but maybe it'll interest you. All the best.
  7. IKO69

    It's over for Passport Bros

    Guess they'll just have to travel for the original intended purpose: to appreciate the beauty of abroad rather than try to exploit those of less fortunate circumstances?
  8. IKO69

    The rate of ED doubles

    For sure they don't want you to think that correlation = causation, on this topic definitely You are a smart guy, you will in time come to the same conclusion that I have. Yes, I am saying insulin is the culprit - it is what causes the arteriosclerosis - it isn't fat or whatever else they tell...
  9. IKO69

    The rate of ED doubles

    Early last century it was well understood that kidney disease, heart disease etc was a derivative of diabetes. This is why a lot of these conditions tend to go hand in hand with diabetes; there's an association. Every person is different of course and won't manifest the same complications -...
  10. IKO69

    Someone explain to me why Incels are so heavily involved in discussions about game/dating/sex.

    baby had back in other words What is passively pursuing? Like hoping a woman falls into lap? Maybe that, yeah lol. I'm saying they aren't aggressive enough - they largely go to work and go home. Don't really put themselves in situations where they can meet women - whenever i've heard them...
  11. IKO69

    Someone explain to me why Incels are so heavily involved in discussions about game/dating/sex.

    That would maybe be true if they were actively pursuing, but they haven't been. I have known one for 5 years and another for 3 and in that span I have heard little in the way other than occasional infatuation with some woman who worked in the office. Did they ever shoot their shot? N-O. Just a...
  12. IKO69

    Someone explain to me why Incels are so heavily involved in discussions about game/dating/sex.

    Both my friends happen to Indian lolol i'm not implying anything, they just happen to both be. They are both practically the same person, they even sort of look alike style wise, they have that same mustache and part in the middle of the hair. I introduced them to each other at a bar around...
  13. IKO69

    Motivational Gym Music For That Pump!

    I'll post some dance music instead of metal soon. I want to get some of the pummeling heavy tracks out of the way first
  14. IKO69

    Someone explain to me why Incels are so heavily involved in discussions about game/dating/sex.

    Well, they desperately want sex, it's a biological need and they are going without. It's very easy to understand their frustration. I love the incel's and don't mind trying to help them, hate the self-defeating mentality tho. I know two incels in real life I keep touch with - they are...
  15. IKO69

    The rate of ED doubles

    No you're correct. The over consumption of sugar and (simple) junk carbs are sending us to an early grave. We need sleep to recuperate / repair the body. I skipped out on sleep and wore it like a badge of honor for many years. I was chronically tired and feeling like **** all the time - had...
  16. IKO69

    The rate of ED doubles

    Yeah, it's a modern lifestyle problem. The preservatives in the food, eating the wrong food in general, lack of sleep - all of it contributes to limp noodle. You have to take care of yourself --- unfortunately that means sacrificing some of the "fun" stuff (like Tiramisu or Cannoli every night...
  17. IKO69

    How hard is it to get chicks that look like this for example?

    I would roll with her and let her practice her ground n' pound technique on me without any hesitation whatsoever. I'm sure it's top rate and marvelous. She may get the upper hand, i'm not sure. The only thing i'm sure about is I probably wouldn't be able to prevent a boner
  18. IKO69

    How to lead women - interaction analysis

    Hi Anour, for starters I think you should give yourself a pat on the back for trying. Today wasn't your day, but maybe next time there will be a different outcome. I don't think you should be too hung up on this or beat yourself up over it - it was just a brief conversation and so you...
  19. IKO69

    Best Method To Cold Approach?

    The dude who looked at you and smirked, likely has never had the guts to approach a chick in his life. Haha Personally rejection like your example doesn't both me. What does bother me is, when I see a chick that I want to approach and she is wearing EARPHONES...