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  1. K

    Breaking up...saying she's not good enough?

    Well actually yeah I do. I just still want to keep contact though. I've read somewhere on here about how to keep contact with everyone you know, even if they were your GF. I forgot where that thread was though. It's really hard to explain this because you guys don't know my exact situation...
  2. K

    Breaking up...saying she's not good enough?

    Haha, that's what I'm thinking. I'm not depressed or anything, but I've been friends with her for awhile. I don't want it to just end like this. It's really not the way I want it to happen. If we do get back together, okay, thats fine. If not, oh well too bad for her. But I still want to be...
  3. K

    Breaking up...saying she's not good enough?

    I don't know if this is some sort of game that this girl plays or what. But it REALLY surprised me. Here's what happened. Well this morning, we talked and everything was perfectly fine. Tonight, I get a text message saying that "we need to talk". I know I did something wrong here because I've...
  4. K

    Girl coming over tomorrow.

    Well tomorrow, this girl that I've been with is coming over to my house. Here's a little background information. First, she said she wanted to have sex, but can't due to reasons she can't tell me. I said it was okay and not to worry about it, I'm trying to have her feel comfortable. I don't want...
  5. K

    Girlfriend problems

    Well I've had a GF for about almost a month now. I'm having dozens of problems though. First off, we NEVER hang out. The only time I actually did something with her was go to the movies. Now, she says she's grounded or something and isn't allowed to do anything. Yeah I've kissed her, but I...
  6. K

    How to deal with this?

    Damnit, I hate people like this. This guy I sit next to in my 3rd period class pretty much just screwed me over. He was talking to me and was like "Mannn i bet u dont get no ass blah blah blah". I didn't mind him randomly saying crap like that because he doesn't even know I was like...