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  1. S

    The October Bootcamp

    whew, week 2 is proving to be a hell of a lot harder than week 1. i find i have no problems saying hi only as a greeting, but if i wanna actually get into a conversation i start making excuses. i'm gonna try my best tomorow to start up at least one sober cold conversation.
  2. S

    The October Bootcamp

    Jukebox: yeah the Canadian thanksgiving is on a different date from the American one.
  3. S

    The October Bootcamp

  4. S

    The October Bootcamp

    alright i was a few short of 50, but from friday-monday i didn't really make much of an effort - i went to toronto with my buddy to spend thanksgiving there so i didn't get much of an opportunity to do the exercises. i did meet lots of new people (including lots of hb's) but they were either in...
  5. S

    The October Bootcamp

    first day... alright i don't plan on posting reports for every day but this is the very first day of bootcamp so i think i'll make an exception... how did you guys all do? i didn't get much of an opportunity to do the exercises - wokeup hungover in the morning and went to classes half-dead...
  6. S

    The October Bootcamp

    hey all, i think i'm gonna get in on this too... i started up on the last bootcamp thread about a month ago, and then i started up university (my first year) and started crawling in hb's (basically i hooked up with enough girls that i pushed the DJBC to the back of my mind). well now that...
  7. S

    I am starting bootcamp monday.......

    hey guys, i know i'm a bit late to sign up (exactly 1 week late) but i think i need the motivation to do this bootcamp so i'll just post my reports here too (if that's alright). anyways, today was my first day out on bootcamp, so... week 1 day 1: i went out to a nearby mall and spent...