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  1. C

    Double Your Dating Interview Series

    How is his voice different now?
  2. C

    how to be considered the alpha

    sorry for the repeated posts. The page just got stuck and I clicked the post button multiple times.
  3. C

    how to be considered the alpha

    I'm doing ok with women. But I'm not able to to develop the kind of image I want with males. I'm so unlike other guys around me. They're always kissing *sses of hot females, trying to make fun of me with other females etc. I don't do that at all. I'd alway take side of the male when I'm with...
  4. C

    How to be viewed as the Alpha

    I'm doing ok with women. But I'm not able to to develop the kind of image I want with males. I'm so unlike other guys around me. They're always kissing *sses of hot females, trying to make fun of me with other females etc. I don't do that at all. I'd alway take side of the male when I'm with...
  5. C

    The best way to attract ANYONE

    Well, I was like that. Giving people a lot of importance, being nice to them, smiling etc. But it didn't seem to work. Actually, people started to believe that they could get away with a lot of things with me. Now, I'm more self focused. But that doesn't seem to be working either. Any idea where...
  6. C

    Saying "Hi"

    A lot of times in college when I'm passing by girls whom I know don't make eye contact. Should I say hi even when they don't make ec? This happens even when they are not with a group. Should I just call out there name and say Hi or does this show that I'm too interested? And what about in...
  7. C

    How to approach this girl whom I have been ignoring..

    We don`t have any classes together. That was just a fluke that I got to sit next to her in the lab for a few mins, it wasn`t a regular class. How about me going up to her outside class and saying hi? and something like " I have seen you around,I thought I should say hi"?
  8. C

    How to approach this girl whom I have been ignoring..

    in the past due to my AFC behavior? Here`s a bit of details. Shez a year senior to me in college.She even tried to give me her number through her friends last year but I was too dumb to take it. Now, I still know that shez interested but the problem is we don`t have any common friends or...
  9. C

    Seems uninterested should I tell her dat I like her?

    Won`t that sound as if I got scared of a rejection from her, that now I refuse to tell her? Is there something I could say that shows that I`m slightly interested? because she does Know I`m interested in her.
  10. C

    Seems uninterested should I tell her dat I like her?

    Thanks for the reply guys! Well, I think I shouldn`t approach her like I did today.We`ll bump into each other some time neway. And if she asks what I wanted to talk about, I`ll say since it`s her final year and we don`t get to see each other often I just though if we could hang out together...
  11. C

    Seems uninterested should I tell her dat I like her?

    Umm..agree on the typing bit,but that`s partly because english is not my mother tongue.I had been working on improving my writing skill but was slacking lately.O8aisaac your response will make me get right back on track. I`m aware of the existence of the DJ bible and I have started reading...
  12. C

    Seems uninterested should I tell her dat I like her?

    Hey! She`s a friend of a friend of mine in college.I don`t see her much often.have taked to her a bit.Yesterday when she was leaving after college I told her that I wanted to talk to her tommorrow and she said ok.Now today, an hour before our exam( we`re having our exams) I asked her if I...