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  1. R

    HOW do i learn NOT to care!!?

    you want to learn not to care?
  2. R

    Do you have a crush on me?

    yes women have phones.
  3. R

    How can you become more than a friend???

    hey dotn call me stupid i dont have many friends and have never been with a girl i was home schooled so im not very educated on the world. I am telling the truth and it all makes ence to me now. What do u guys think my next step should be?
  4. R

    How can you become more than a friend???

    Im serious like it wasnt in a gay way. i dont think he gay. If he is alot of things would make sence but. Like hes a hairdresser and he smiles alot at me. IF HE IS GAY and im copyign him alot of girls will think im gay. how could i have been so dumb
  5. R

    How can you become more than a friend???

    OMG why would they think im gay. I doubt it alot of them get changed infront of me and ****. I also doubt Evangelo is gay he showed me how to give a woman oral sex on my fingers. Like i made my fingers the shape of a vagina and he licked them to demonstrate how to give oral. WHY WOULD HE...
  6. R

    How can you become more than a friend???

    whats the DJ bibel?? and why would you call my friend gay?
  7. R

    How can you become more than a friend???

    Is anyone here serious?
  8. R

    How can you become more than a friend???

    Yeh he told me cool stuff like how to move your ass from side to side with each step and how women love tight pants and how its ok for guys to wear pink and stuff. Everythign he taught me is cool like girls always comment on my manecure and how soft my skin is ect ect but i can never get them...
  9. R

    How can you become more than a friend???

    Sorry man i belive in GOD but i dont want to waste my time reading the bible. What has that got to do with being a pimp anyway?
  10. R

    How can you become more than a friend???

    So i asked one of my friends about being a PIMP because he always hangs around girls and goes shoping with them and helps them pick out cloths. He is a hairdresser so he gets to talk to alot of girls in his line of work. His name is Tim but he likes to be called Evangelo now for some reason...