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  1. D

    girl not having feelings for me because of an arguemnt?

    I was getting close with a girl and made some moves......and we were playing basketball together one day and started arguing about stuff and we had 1 or 2 arguments....and she left later on without saying goodbye now she says she doesnt wanna have feelings for sum one she argues with a...
  2. D

    2 girls: need help to pick the right one

    1= kind of lazy, but does sports.........very funny...not really a serious person....very dramatic.... 2= works hard at sports.....more to talk to...........not too dramatic from what ive seen...sees thigns as the way they are..more straightforeward.. and i'm a lil...
  3. D

    2 girls: need help to pick the right one

    I’ve never asked a girl out before…but I know that I need to start and I know I have a decent chance with these two girls, but I don’t know which one is best for me…so please help!!! 1= I talk with this girl on the phone, messenger, or see her almost everyday…..most recently we’ve gone to...
  4. D

    Complicated situation with girl! plz help!

    i like this girl and we talk everyday online usually for a couple of hours....we've talked about dating, but she wants to take it slow...... she says she's still trying to get over her old b/f......and she likes sum 1 else more than me as of now, but if we got closer it could be...