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  1. M

    ******** - universal truth(almost!)

    Had these particular ones tens of times over the last couple of years... Your hitting on chic who has a boyfriend and they say 'But I DO love him..' This means = 'I WILL sleep with you!' WATCH OUT for this one: Sign of a cunniver/liar/ attention seeker (usually a complete sllllllag)...
  2. M

    best reply to "is she prettier?"

    of course she is.. your a frikkin minger *grin Never take the bait and compliment them. Some of my recent ones... Her: 'I think i might be a bit too old for you...' Yeah.. probably... Her: 'You never flirt with me... dont u fancy me?' Awww, dont worry. Youd still get it.. i'm not...
  3. M

    Let's embarrass ourselves. You're WORST opener EVER...

    In a club, I clock a girl staring at me like she’s trying to get my attention. I walk up to her and say 'Hi, Do you fancy me or something?' Her: 'NO!!!!!' *storms off That is quite amusing in itself, but it gets better: Her friend (shaking his head in disbelief) approaches me and tells...
  4. M

    slapped an HB8's face

    I know, i'm a bad man.. i wasnt looking for your approval. I'm long past caring what strangers think about me. Perhaps I am a dumbass.. Only time will tell...
  5. M

    slapped an HB8's face

    Oh, spare me. Courageous knights in shining armour. I did emphasise that this was entirely playful and not out of spite. I'm not asking anyone to condone domestic violence or anything sinister. The 'what an idiot look'... I didn’t detect that at all. And why would i give ***? Why is it...
  6. M

    slapped an HB8's face

    Strange one this... She is a grade A p**** tease who is used to guys grovelling around her all the time. We are/were 'friends' and always role-playing in some way or another. I angrily (in character) accuse her of ignoring me all night. She playfully shakes my cheek -like you would a...
  7. M

    Can you escape the "friend zone" by becoming a jerk after friendship?

    Surely if you run away with your tail between your legs at the first sign of rejection you are the ultimate AFC and a coward. - Youve also vindicated her assertion that you are unworthy. Generally, LJBF is a death-knell to anyone without game, but a MAN should surely break all the 'rules' -...
  8. M

    Just friends - classic AFC- or not!

    Thanks Wyldfire, In truth, I wouldn’t want to take time to be her friend if she were hideously ugly - so, if I claim otherwise that would really be a giant self-deception. Having said that, I don’t only want to get into her knickers - although the idea is not unappealing :) Sounds like...
  9. M

    Just friends - classic AFC- or not!

    Yes, i see your point. I dont like hurting people either; What goes around, comes around. I aim to make our friendship a life enriching and pleasurable experience for her Tyron ;)
  10. M

    Just friends - classic AFC- or not!

    My gut says 'Dont be a chump and give up like ***** at the first sign of a knock-back'. I certainly dont see it as lieing.. i am prepared to be her freind and f***-buddy :) But the road between now and that time is a precarious one, once the dreaded 'friend' word is mentioned!
  11. M

    Just friends - classic AFC- or not!

    Hi everybody, here is my quandary: Young, single -for 3 years ‘apparently’- HB9 insists she’s not interested but ‘friends is cool’. Now, we’ve had a bit of a chat and I know the reasons for this (she is damaged goods from a previous heart-rending relationship + intends moving out of the...
  12. M

    Just friends - classic AFC- or not!

    Hi everybody, here is my quandary: Young, single -for 3 years ‘apparently’- HB9 insists she’s not interested but ‘friends is cool’. Now, we’ve had a bit of a chat and I know the reasons for this (she is damaged goods from a previous heart-rending relationship involving a child + intends...
  13. M

    The natural order of things - Sexuality defined and explained!

    The essay on duality was very good but hardly a revelation. As for the rest of the post it was *entirely* subjective! Isn’t it convenient that you are the male and your ‘natural way’ means you have all the 'power' in the relationship? Your views on ‘homos’ and ‘wh@res’ are self...