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  1. B

    Shyt Test replies - just for fun

    If you scroll up, I asked for advice from the gentleman, not from a warpig.
  2. B

    Shyt Test replies - just for fun

    And you’re an angry, low smw bitter woman hanging around a men’s forum. Get a life, and some dyck.
  3. B

    Shyt Test replies - just for fun

    She texts me almost every day. Besides, I learned a long time ago not to take advice from a woman - especially one who spends time in men’s dating forums. Go post in Cosmo
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    Shyt Test replies - just for fun

    I just sent a text to a girl who is newly divorced asking why she isn’t on the dating apps yet, and she replied: “because there are too many guys like you swiping on there lol”. For reference, she set me up with her significantly younger sister 3 years ago, and was a little upset with me...
  5. B

    3 yrs LTR - all good but thoughts of ending

    Not saying this didn’t happen in your case, but I’ve dated prolifically over the past couple years and I always like to ask women about why their previous relationships ended. I’m absolutely astounded at how often I hear about various versions of abuse. I’d say 50% cite some form of physical...
  6. B

    Even the Escorts are a pain

    With women who are exploited, the abuse if often to their psyche. I can tell you that these women will often do everything they can to protect and cover for their abuser, much like women in domestic violence situations. These women often think of their pimp as their boyfriend. They will...
  7. B

    Even the Escorts are a pain

    Im telling you that it’s absolutely the case - especially with respect to the Leolist ads posted in Toronto. Ashton kutcher and Demi Moore spent millions of their own money on a software program called Spotlight that helps law enforcement with this very issue. I’d encourage you to google it. Or...
  8. B

    Even the Escorts are a pain

    Who knows more about the functioning of car - the person who uses one every day, or the engineer who designs the car? Your logic is flawed. Like I said, I’m not willing to disclose online how I know, but I’ve seen how the game works from the inside. Please do some research, unless you’re...
  9. B

    Even the Escorts are a pain

    Absolutely I do. No sources that I’m willing to share on an online forum, which is why I suggested you do the above research for yourself. I‘ve never been a John, but I can tell you that girls in the game (and their pimps) look at you as nothing more than a mark. There is zero chance that...
  10. B

    Even the Escorts are a pain

    So your source of information is from “talking to the girls.” Because women, especially exploited and fearful women, are always truthful. I’d suggest you speak with a cop who’s done work on a vice team and/or do a little research on human trafficking. Or just ignore any views that are...
  11. B

    Even the Escorts are a pain

    Actually, it’s because the vast majority are pimped, even the ones who claim up and down to be independent. And since their pimps are the ones controlling the advertisements, it’s a way of keeping the competition from trying to steal their girl from them. By catering to client groups from...
  12. B

    Condom usage

    Just wondering what most men on here are experiencing with respect to condom usage. The last 10 or so chicks I’ve bagged didn’t even bring up me putting on a condom, ages ranging from 22-late 30s. If I did wear one, it’s always my choice - but they all would have been good with me going in...
  13. B

    She went cold all of a sudden few days after a wonderful date.

    You love putting other posters down (in this case, one actually offering good insight) yet I can’t recall one post where you actually contributed anything to the discussion, other than telegraphing that you’re a bitter, spiteful know-it-all. It’s very catty, feminine behaviour on your part and...
  14. B

    Maintaining Frame

    This broad is a memory now. I hadn’t even thought of her until you quoted it lol. I’ve been balls deep in many vagines since July. The guy seems like nothing special to me, but I have no idea how he games her in private. I haven’t seen them together really.
  15. B

    Police woman are bombs

    In my area many are quite attractive, but gay. Even though you wouldn’t know it. Like on an average platoon, it exceeds 50%. The straight ones are inundated with opportunities to date alphas at work, and have long shifts, so good luck with one in an LTR
  16. B

    She left me!

    I know you’re grasping for reasons to believe this is salvageable, but it’s not. She can’t stand the thought of you putting your penls in her because of the weakness you’ve shown. You’ll never be able to change her mind. You disgust her. All you can do is learn from what happened here...
  17. B

    It Finally Sunk in....Marriage

    You’re one of few women Ive ever heard openly admit that women cheat more than men. I applaud and respect your honesty. Can you elaborate on why you believe women cheat more than men, and on the disparities you see in sexual market value between the cheating women and the men they cheat with...
  18. B

    Things you finally realize

    My point is that the wall is very different for men than it is for women. And sure I have, but it’s much more rare due to lack of regular access. I typically bang women in their 20s because I’m more likely to cross paths with them while going about my life.
  19. B

    Things you finally realize

    There’s not a 45 year old in the world that is more sexually attractive than a SMV-8 nineteen year old. The same cannot be said for men. In fact, most men hit peak physical sexual attractiveness at around 26, and many do so in their 40s.
  20. B

    Burning when I piss for a week now (here we go again)

    The guy has a little bacteria infection of some sort. Not so serious, chill out dude. Nothing a course of azithromycin and ceftriaxone won’t clear up. As an aside, I find it amusing that you resort to name calling while calling others immature. And if you’re going to chirp, at least do...