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  1. S

    No BS involved...but now what?

    So, no We didnt literally go the whole 10 yards, but did pretty much everything else. after which point in my car, she just said, let me give u my number, and just call me soon (basically, we both were into eachother, but didnt want things to move "that" fast, so we stopped) and said a nice...
  2. S

    No BS involved...but now what?

    Well, here I am minding my own business with my buds on St patty's, when this 9HB is one whom has come to hang out with our group as a friend of a friend, long story short, we ended up at another bar with only 2 of the peeps we started with. she asks me to go back with her to her place, we leave...
  3. S

    Mixed Signals

    wow...i have gotten responses from every end of the spectrum. I thank you all for your advice, lol...but I dont know which to go with. i believe that its still early, and that imma give her a few days to herself and then see whats up. ive just had a hard time doing anything exciting or...
  4. S

    Mixed Signals

    not that I disagree with you...but what besides a hug would a woman be giving u when youve just met her and are getting to know her?
  5. S

    Mixed Signals

    yeah, its kinda hard to describe. but I think u all have your points that make sense, I myself was starting tho think that it might be a bit much too soon. In response, I have been the one initiating the kino, well, pretty much all of it (shes never said anything bad about it, nor...
  6. S

    Mixed Signals

    haha, yea...I see ur point. In this, the "less is more" saying comes into play, no? Ill see what I can to be unavalible to her, I guess I never thought about it that way. Kinda figured her calling Me was a goodthing?
  7. S

    Mixed Signals

    thats kinda what I was thinking...but shes ahs been the one that has initiated most of the meetings/dates? does this make sense?
  8. S

    Mixed Signals

    i guess you could say about every other day over the past week, not all were major dates, persay...2 were just for lunch, one was dinner, and the other was the movie...
  9. S

    Mixed Signals

    I have started seeing this new girl. Shes pretty, funny, and well educated. We have gone on about 4 dates thus far, the first two I was more into trying to get to know more about her, and have some good conversations. On our third date, we went and saw a movie..I held her hand, and she seemed...