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  1. C

    two girls - decision

    alright maybe in about a week i'll update you
  2. C

    two girls - decision

    thanks man, that was really helpful. i think i'm leaning a bit towards advice #1 - works out good if the girl at my school just turns into a friendship. again, thanks a lot!
  3. C

    two girls - decision

    so i've been seeing this girl (not "official" yet) for a little over a month - she's 2 years younger and goes to a different school. shes really fun, my friends like her, other guys want her, its good stuff. but just recently i've been getting to know this other girl at my school a little...
  4. C


    i did - the only advice i found is jelqing.
  5. C


    what do you do if your "little buddy" is like a TINY buddy and you may not exactly have 6-8 months to jelq him up?