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  1. M

    interesting first date tip

    something that came to me before I went on the two dates I had this week. I decided to bring a pack of gum with me to offer my dates after the meal/coffee we just had to see if she would accept it from me. I figured that it could be a good foreshadowing tool for a kiss close because if she was...
  2. M

    advice pls

    the reason we split was that she found someone else. So she really doesn't care what I do at this point. I've been out of there for 4 months.
  3. M

    advice pls

    ok, thanks man
  4. M

    advice pls

    well, don't get me wrong, I have no intentions of getting married anytime soon, which is something we actually have in common. But I'll mark your vote down for the don't tell her. :)
  5. M

    advice pls

    I am 27 years old and I am about 2-3 weeks from official divorce, I have a 3 year old son and I've been out of the house and in my own apartment for 4 months. I met this really cute 19 year old who I met for coffee the other day and she is really into me and I like her too. I talked to her for...