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  1. G

    My Club Technique

    Great technique. I use that kina thing for years now. Since you are not chasing the girls, they get interested. Furthermore you will get to know many cool people. If you are cool then you will get invite to parties and start movin on up..... If you are well behaved, do not get in fights and...
  2. G

    met a new girl what are good convo topics/jokes whatever

    Belgium read and learn about Belgium and Europe. The more you know aabout her world, the more you may be able to make conversation about. This helps you with her, AND helps you in the future to meet other European women, which is goooood. Also, show and tell her about this world. OF course...
  3. G

    alpha male vs. beta male

    While I think Alpha, Beta are somewhat relevant, I play by a different game. I am an alpha in my own game. There are many different measures of alpha vs beta - for some it is money, others style, others accomplishment, others muscle. For me it is more like wit, style, confidence and some others...