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    The 5 quick truths to being a man

    I trust the girl I Love and she will have it until she violates it by not Loving herself, not continuing to grow or by not Loving me. This was how I got my relationships to the next level. You have to trust people man. My power loves to flow and really connecting with someone FEELS RIGHT.
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    That first approach

    No matter how good I get, and how far i've come there is always that next level. The first approach is only a teaser for the real one, the one that actually matters - when you see that girl and time stops. You are suddenly pulled into the moment and you realise what it is that you have...
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    This is how real DJ's treat women (vid)

    Supposedly chilled out and in control Don Juan's completely over the top reactions in this thread is the funny part. As a quick reality check, you are getting bothered by a post by a stranger on an internet message board.