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    Analyze this phone call i made (Audio Inside)

    hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha, we can watch spiderman 2 and i'll bring the baby oil, lol, thats pretty poor. you sounded like you were trying to sell her the dvd. and seriously what is the crack with the rapper talk, why do people feel the need to talk like this, if you talked to her with...
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    My girl have left me for her sweet friend

    the bible is certainly not water tight. just because it says something doesn't mean its going to happen that way everytime.
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    Shin splint problems ( leg problems)

    pretty simple really, put ice on it and then for the nxt few nites put a heat pack or deep heat on it. then follow some shin strengthenng exercises. try searching for "preventing shin splints" or something like that in a search engine and you should get some results. if you can't find...
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    sarcasm and insults - comebacks to them!!!

    In my current way of life i come up against daily insults and sarcastic gits and it is stopping as of now! It is usually from guys in my year at school and they are very sarcastic as they think it makes them big but truely it makes them pathetic and insecure(deep down anyway). The insults are...
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    Endurance and fitness

    How can you seriously advance your endurance levels? I'm involved in rowing and it demands high levels of fitness and endurance and this becomes clear with erg tests on the rowing machines. How do you djs increase endurance and fitness?
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    Should teenagers be lifting?

    There has often been mass confusion on the issue and i think its time it were cleared up. 1.There is the opinion that teenagers should only do light weights at high reps. this is to prevent any damage and stump growth due to your bones being underdeveloped. 2. There is the opinion that...
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    website to be kept secret?

    Hypnotiq sums it up i think. excellent quote
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    SHould i next this girl? seniors or masters please, i need help

    If u go AFC on her then u are effectively giving all ur hard work the finger. If u want to go back tot he way u were before becoming a dj then u haven't grasped the point of this site. Going AFC on her would just be an embarrasment to urself and u surely must be above this level of thinking by...
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    website to be kept secret?

    Just reading through a post and it said don't tell anyone about this website. Wot are ur opinions on this? This website is class and is starting to turn my life around and personally i feel that people shouldn't be told. If u want to change ur success in life and with women then u go...
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    The perfect DJ

    By the resoning on this F**cking awesome forum i reckon the perfect DJ would be a cross between: JOEY -from friends STIFFLER - from american pie JAMES BOND - speaks for itsself AFC wise: Chandler and ross from friends.
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    no confidence and boring

    I suddenly realised that i would bore me if i was talking to myself. Realistically if u went up to someone and began talking about their family and school they're gona get bored quickly. What do all u dj's actually talk about with women????!!!! also at a party this evening there was one guy...
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    Confused What the hell's wrong with me?

    I'm goin to a party tonight where there will be tons of girls i don't know and one i'm already interested in. This could be the perfect opportunity to practice my confidence and conversation skills so any tips are appreciated cheers
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    Confused What the hell's wrong with me?

    not to great with conversation on my own with girls but some topics on this site help. i tend to run out of INTERESTING conversation tips. i know there's all the recomended ones like family etc but that would bore the hell out of me so why would she enjoy that conversation. I already do team...
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    Confused What the hell's wrong with me?

    I fully realise that you've all heard this before but hey if you could be bothered then please pm me. Anyway i'm generally an extremely confident person. I'm captain of my rowing club, very good at public speaking and coaching but that's where it stops. when in a group situation i'm quiet and...