Search results

  1. N

    When do you tell 'em you have a kid?

    Thanks to all of you who have written so far. I welcome the varied opinions. Just to clarify: my wife has "primary" physical custody, even though we have joint physical custody. I pick up my little girl for three-hour visits twice a week, have a lunch "date" with her once every two weeks, and...
  2. N

    Los Angeles!!! Djs!!!

    So, has a DJ lair been formed? Maybe, Joseph, if you're in contact with the people that have posted, you can find out a generally-convenient time and meeting place in LA (obviously you can't make it convenient for everybody), we all have a beer, find wingmen of similar age, discuss strategies...
  3. N

    An almost complete list of where a lot of people are from...

    I'm in Los Angeles, California. Or, as our illustrious governor calls it, Kahl-EE-fooonia. Anyone else out there in LA?
  4. N

    When do you tell 'em you have a kid?

    I'm 34, but look 5-10 years younger, so I tend to attract younger women. My wife and I recently separated, on friendly terms, after 6 years of being together (the divorce will be final in a few months). We have a beautiful 17 month old who is the center of my world. I have joint physical custody...