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  1. C

    Post a request for a "Pook" Article

    hey pook - what's up bro? well, all good things come to an end - what a f*ckin ride! personally, i would like to know all your thoughts on women. not too much but just your ideas about dating, relationships, sexuality, human nature, marriage, love, and maybe throw in some thoughts on how to...
  2. C

    for Pook

    That’s it. It sounds insanely simple but those three thoughts, when I truly understood them in detail and applied them with full force in my life, turned me inside out. You wouldn’t believe me (or perhaps you would) if I told you the stories of how much I’ve changed. I can hardly believe it. I...
  3. C

    for Pook

    DISCLAIMER: to all pook-haters and those who will inevitably scoff at this post and continue ridiculing pook until he moves on permanently, go f*ck yourselves. I wrote this intending to send it to pook personally but then thought that maybe it could help someone else that’s been in similar...