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  1. O

    Boot Camp week 1 (Response thread)

    Week One Last Day I doubt anyone's reading this, but oh well--So, I started reading the stuff from week one last friday and started doing the excersises the next day. That makes this my last day officially (for week one)--I'm at forty "hi's"--not a complete fifty, but something. I really lost...
  2. O

    Boot Camp week 1 (Response thread)

    Day Two Week One Second day, ten more hi's--last one, I saw this pretty cute girl walking towards me from a distance (wavy blonde hair, short skirt) and resolved that I would greet her even if she didn't make eye contact. She didn't, I said "hello"--and she didn't do respond at all right away...
  3. O

    Boot Camp week 1 (Response thread)

    Ist Day on Week One Hi! I've inserted an exclamation point (see above) because I am in a fairly good mood. It takes a lot to get an exclamation point out of me, so be impressed. :) Seriously, though, I went out today and did the first excercise--one hour making eye-contact and saying hi...
  4. O

    Boot Camp week 1 (Response thread)

    Starting out Hey all, So, I've decided to do the Boot Camp. I am pretty nervous about this and I honestly don't feel too confident that I'll be able to complete it. But I think it would be really good for me. I've been to this site and others over the years and have read some advice...