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  1. W

    Brief hello and a LTR question: How to end it?

    Pillager, I know exactly where you are at right now man. I just went through a very similar situation/breakup with my LTR of 3.5 years. Like you said, you are still in love with her (for who she is, and what she will always mean to you), but in a more friendly/"I hope to always be there...
  2. W

    Dealing with Jealousy

    Alright, heres the problem. I am an extremely jealous guy. I hate it, I know it stems from insecurity, and whatever else, but WHY! Honestly, it bothers me more then anything I can think of. From the simplest things. It doesnt take much. I dont get angry or violent, my mood just becomes subdued...
  3. W

    Getting annoyed and depressed?

    Hey man, I know exactly what you are talking about. I am in the same situation. Do you have a girlfriend? I find my girlfriend is one of the few things that helps me feel better, alot better. I think the biggest problem is falling into a "cycle" and not changing it. Currently my cycle is...
  4. W

    Keeping the LTR - ALIVE

    First I just wanna say thanks for helping me with my last post. The things you said really made sense and things are actually much better between us... But anyways, what I want to divulge from you guys now is how to keep the LTR alive. I dont just mean keep it going, I can do that no problem...
  5. W

    The LTR...

    Alright, heres the deal... Its been 8 months now. This is my first LTR, and to be honest Im learning new things every day. The problem is, little things are becoming big things. What I mean is, we never ever argued, and now for some reason we have disagreements over the smallest things. I have...