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  1. D

    really confused with this girl..plz tell me what to do

    I am really new in dating stuff.. anywayz this is how my story goes..I have been friend to this chick for the last 8 months...she lives in another city,so i talk to her online(3-4 times a week).we usually talk about everything and long(2-3 hours)... anywayz for two months ago i travelled...
  2. D

    Does she like me?

    PLEASE HELP ME TO GET MY OLD LIFE BACK i desided to be friend with her and drop the feeling.Because i am afraid that i am allready in the "friendship zone" and 2. she has a boyfriend she really love,3.we probably wont study together in the next school year (that means i will only see her for...
  3. D

    Does she like me?

    I have been friend with this girl for the last 6 months.We talk about everything together.I feel like there is a good chemistry between us .We live in the same floor so we spend most of the time together.After a while i started to develope feelings for her.The thing is she has a boyfriend and...