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    DJ's to hit up the Hollywood area clubs and bars to practice our pick-up skills

    Looking for two more dj's...anyone?
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    DJ's to hit up the Hollywood area clubs and bars to practice our pick-up skills

    Just send me an email message if u are interested. thanks
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    LA / Orange County, CA CHAPTER

    Hey, 24 white guy in Redondo Beach, will be moving to the LA/Hollywood area in a month or so. Have several club/bar pick-up and want to go try this stuff out. Let me know if interested.
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    DJ's to hit up the Hollywood area clubs and bars to practice our pick-up skills

    If you’re interested in teaming up with a small group of fellow DJs who go out together at least once a week or more in the Hollywood, Ca area to practice our pick-up skills on women and motivate each other then please reply. One of the biggest things most of these dating gurus say to find a...
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    Don Juans Everywhere!

    Usa / Ca / La
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    If ur sexually experienced or active, read this!

    Thanks for all the advice! What do u guys think of ordering one of those sex videos that teach u how to prefrom better, think those can help?
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    If ur sexually experienced or active, read this!

    Hey, heres my situation: I used to be pretty bad when it came to attracting women, i was doing everything wrong. Then one day i decieded to change that so i read everything i could on this site and every book i could find. So now i doing pretty good. But heres the problem: I'm still a virgin...