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  1. ParkBenchRomance

    Did I Handle This Situation Correctly? When Plating Goes Wrong.

    A girl gets jealous and decides to give you the cold shoulder. You've done well to not fall into her frame and chase her. But, after two weeks of silence, it's now a good time to reengage on your terms. There's no need to grovel, or even directly address her behavior. Don't give her the...
  2. ParkBenchRomance

    Get attraction, OK. Now what?

    You need to prepare some go-to openers. Generic enough to be used in most social situations, but also interesting enough to get an intriguing response. In your case, since you're buying from them, you could use something like: "Wow, you have such a great taste in drinks, I'm not sure what to...
  3. ParkBenchRomance

    The actual ways of getting rid of approach anxiety

    The trick is to talk to more women, and more often. Once you're comfortable it won't even become a question
  4. ParkBenchRomance

    I Now Hav A Girlfriend Wooooooo!!!

    Awesome feeling, happy for you
  5. ParkBenchRomance

    How to be a good Wingman?

    I know a lot of it is being aware of social dynamics, and taking the opportunities to talk up your mates. What strategies specifically have you found helpful?
  6. ParkBenchRomance

    Is it possible to imporove masculinity factors in as early as 1 month?

    Lift weights 5-6 days a week, sauna, eat lots of protein, get fresh air, talk to beautiful women, and sun your balls
  7. ParkBenchRomance

    Answer to: what’s your type question!

    You could go with playful, or be a little more direct. Playful: "Hard to say, but there's something about a girl who can hold a conversation and isn't afraid to challenge me." Direct: "I appreciate confidence and a good sense of humor. A bit of an adventurous spirit doesn't hurt either."
  8. ParkBenchRomance

    "Don't kiss a girl before she's at a place you can have sex"

    Seems like a good rule of thumb, you should always be planning ahead.