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  1. J

    Urban humans have largely lost their ability to digest plants

    A lot of it is probably due to plant pesticides, herbicides, fungicides, fluoride, GMO, and who knows what else
  2. J

    List your set in stone pinnacle top 10 turn-offs in a woman

    Works in HR or anything remotely similar to HR Works in a library
  3. J

    List your set in stone pinnacle top 10 turn-offs in a woman

    Tattoos Mud sharks Feminists Short hair Rainbow hair Online dating addicts Piercings other than earlobes Overweight Loud others: Foodies Travel bugs
  4. J

    How do you guys make women prove themselves to you?

    What do you mean by “prove”?
  5. J

    How do you guys make women prove themselves to you?

    But women are better seducers than men, by a long shot, far and wide, the women completely dominate us when it comes to seduction, it’s almost no effort whatsoever
  6. J

    I'm done being honest with women

    Lies and deception are a woman’s world of expertise. I’d imagine if 100% of what you said were blatant lies, my guess is women would be all over you. They love lies. Big lies, little lies, white lies. Women even lie about being liars and they believe their own lies with precision accuracy...
  7. J

    High Body Counts

    Good point, good point. But no, actually because the couples and the kid all get DNA tests and it comes out he is the father. A white wife, a white husband, and a black baby. The stuff is true. Also one should note it is not the same with males. A male can have sex with women of all skin...
  8. J

    High Body Counts

    I think those are just generalized numbers but the reasoning behind it is telegony. Telegony means that a women stores mens DNA inside her for her lifetime, permanently. All of her sex partners DNA never washes away. That is why some couples who share the same skin color can have a baby...
  9. J

    How many eggs daily can be eaten safely in the long term?

    I try to eat steak, eggs and butter every day and twice per day. I love it.
  10. J

    Synagogue or Church Game

    Be respected by the inner court of the higher ups
  11. J

    Upcoming Coffee Date

    She probably gave you all sorts of mixed signals and tests. You seem to be fumbling in a few areas, but if she does meet up with you a second time your luck could improve.
  12. J

    Mom passed away. Where should I move to that's younger for singles?

    Pick from LA or NY, or consider an exciting big city in a different country. Try something totally new to you. moving to Texas sounds kinda drab just the same as your town in Florida. If you are young and have money in your pocket then reach higher. Like Montreal, Madrid, Istanbul, Athens...