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  1. R

    Why do americans believe that eastern european/balkan women are better?

    Why are people still using 10-15 year old data from OKCupid? Individuals typically have a preference for what is familiar to them. Well-known stimuli are considered to be more "perceptually fluent," meaning they are easier to process, compared to unfamiliar ones. Subconsciously, we exhibit a...
  2. R

    The number one reason the dating market actually sucks for men is because.....

    But how educated are these men? Apparently in the United States educated women outnumber educated men by ratio of 2 to 1. This has prompted the dating scene in the United States to favor educated males, at least on the east coast. Many LOW END guys have difficulty finding dates since women...
  3. R

    Game does not work in 2024 - Game is ruining your chances

    Umm, no, people generally like what's familiar. Familiar stimuli are more “perceptually fluent,” or easier to process, than new ones. Unconsciously, we give preference to things and people we’re familiar with. Psychologists have even found that the more often you see someone, the more likely you...