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  1. Aralius

    Good sex, disrespectful wife and child

    Yeah, also watching Rians Sidebars and joining the community helped a lot.
  2. Aralius

    Good sex, disrespectful wife and child

    I know... I have, but I don't think she appreciated it until I changed my frame. Even after a great session, the b!tching would still be there. It's like she started behaving only after fear of losing me. It could only be in my head, but the results are there, I'm better in my head and she's...
  3. Aralius

    Good sex, disrespectful wife and child

    Hey fellas. A quick update here, for the record. I filed for divorce a month ago. I told my wife that she needn't consult a lawyer, because the divorce will go through either way and she shouldn't waste her money, as I'm not looking to take the child away or get half her house or apartment (in...
  4. Aralius

    How many chicks have you slept with?

    One. I'm in the middle of divorce now.
  5. Aralius

    Most obvious come-on that was missed

    I just went to buy some flowers and there was this voluptuous chick, an 8-9 maybe, bent over in the doorway, arranging flowers, I said good evening, she answered the same but didn't move out the way. And then said to her mother who I guess owns the store :" You see mom, why I don't have a man...
  6. Aralius

    Good sex, disrespectful wife and child

    Yeah, I've been on the berge of divorcing for some tine, and I brought it up to her. Well, if I was aware of all that I have read these past years, before I would have met her, my wife would have been a girl that I would have dumped and never looked back on. Unfortunately for me, our child...
  7. Aralius

    Good sex, disrespectful wife and child

    I forgot to say, I'm 35 yo. It just happens that I tested walking away today. It's like the 3rd time already these past months. We'on vacation in Greece. At the terrace, the kid won't eat and asks for going into the water again, so she started calling him am idiot. I told her to stop. I asked...
  8. Aralius

    Good sex, disrespectful wife and child

    I have been like this since kindergarden. Teacher told my mother that kids used to pick on me and I didn't fight back. I was just told this a couple of months ago. I guess I was born this way, I don't know. And the last couple of years, when I finally decided to do something about it and stand...
  9. Aralius

    Good sex, disrespectful wife and child

    She was my first...
  10. Aralius

    Good sex, disrespectful wife and child

    I know. I lose some sleep over this some nights.
  11. Aralius

    Good sex, disrespectful wife and child

    I've actually thought about it, as she sometimes said to take the kid and go live with my mother, cause she's the one who wants us to divorce. I don't think I'll be able to take care of him all by myself. Maybe 50/50. I may seem naive, but I really don't see her as a monkeybrancher. Just very...
  12. Aralius

    Good sex, disrespectful wife and child

    I am going to talk to a lawyer for an exit scenario. It has been on my mind for some time. I also have an out, soon I'll be able to move in my mom's apartment, which she took a loan for, after me telling her what I'm going through. I know wife won't actually change because her parents let her...
  13. Aralius

    Good sex, disrespectful wife and child

    I live in the house her father bought for her/us, after we had the baby. I walked away for 2 days right after Christmas dinner, when I had just goten into RP and over deleting thoughts. The kid was acting up and she said she can't wait for him to grow up and be suicidal. I went to my hometown...
  14. Aralius

    Good sex, disrespectful wife and child

    You're right. It feels good because I started to take control and tell her what to do, not worrying about how she feels anymore. If I'm horny and she's mean to me, I just lose interest.
  15. Aralius

    Good sex, disrespectful wife and child

    I've dealt with it by being an ******* back at her and it didn't work. Then I did the second one, partially, because I was so pissed. It didn't take long before she got her mojo back and started acting up again. Before I got sexlife back on track, I waited for 3 (three) months to see if she...
  16. Aralius

    Good sex, disrespectful wife and child

    Long story short, I've disregarded her bitchiness until we had a child that she started name calling. I resented her and hated myself for being ignorant, I wanted to delete myself, got over that thanks to searching for answers online, stumbled upon redpill material, Rollo, Rian Stone, read...
  17. Aralius

    Good sex, disrespectful wife and child

    Because I had no self respect.
  18. Aralius

    Good sex, disrespectful wife and child

    Hey guys. I've been in a 13 year LTR, of which 7 years married, 4yo boy. It's been a year or so since I started reading RP material. NMMNG, WISNIFG, Sex God method, The Rational Male for the sole reason return to the good old days when my wife initiated sex. Problem is, after getting sexlife...