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  1. D

    Should we marry only virgin women?

    I often get laughed at by the people around me, whenever i say that i would prefer a virgin woman for a serious relationship/marriage. Since that's the woman i will want kids from, and will be taking care of her for the rest of my life. To which people say - "you're not a virgin yourself, so...
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    Does bad sex turn women off?

    Does having bad sex turn women off? Let's say if you had a premature ejaculation that night (5-6 min) , would that turn woman off? Let's say if it was your first sex with her
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    Do women fall in love with you only after having sex?

    I just wonder how women mind works. Do they fell in love with men after having sex or sex has nothing to do with that? I just heard how one guy told me that woman can't fall in love with her without having sex with you first
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    6 months dating her, no sex and she broke up with me

    update: She messaged me saying "don't beat yourself up, it's life **** happens, just didn't work out" and also she told me that in the begining when i was taking her to the nice restaraunts, giving her gifts freaked her out. She said "you don't even know me but were showering me with all those...
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    6 months dating her, no sex and she broke up with me

    Thanks for reply! So basically even if i was sharing with her my perosnal life, past, etc. getting her more involved in my life, problems. It wouldn't have changed anything?
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    6 months dating her, no sex and she broke up with me

    Man, what would be my best course of action now? I just feel devasted as well, like i tried to hard and couldn't get her. Like what if i will regreat and remember this my whole life like i couldn't get at least laid with that girl not even relationship.
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    6 months dating her, no sex and she broke up with me

    A from strict asian family
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    6 months dating her, no sex and she broke up with me

    Yeah, that hurts damn. But were kissing, huging everytime , so i was pretty sure i wans't friendzoned
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    6 months dating her, no sex and she broke up with me

    She got out of relationship like a year ago. I don't know man, she sounded very sincere when she talking about that spark wasn't there and she herself was hoping that spark will happen , but it never did.
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    6 months dating her, no sex and she broke up with me

    Robert, many thanks for your replies! May i please ask why would she talk to me over 6 months period? Messaging me first, going out to dates every weekends with me, etc. She is very attractive girl, i think she could have gone with a lot of other different guys instead of me. I just can't...
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    6 months dating her, no sex and she broke up with me

    Yeah, i think that is true. Just hit my mind. I put myself in that trap, is there way out?
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    6 months dating her, no sex and she broke up with me

    No, only kissing and almost getting naked. But she break it off there in the last minute
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    6 months dating her, no sex and she broke up with me

    So basically there is nothing i could have there differently to save that? She told me reason was i wasn't opening up to her enough about my past, life and she couldn't connect. She told she was trying to whole time, but it just didn't work out
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    6 months dating her, no sex and she broke up with me

    Hi Duke, Thanks for your reply! I don't know , i got so attached to her. i never felt that spark from my side towards any woman yet, feel like what is she was the one? and i could have done somwhere better, like opening up myself better.
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    6 months dating her, no sex and she broke up with me

    Been dating this girl (27 y/o) for 6 months. Haven't had sex with her, she had only one boyfriend and she told me she only has sex during serious relationship. We were pretty close to having sex couple of times, but she break it off in the last minute. Whenever i brougt the topic that we should...
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    Girl (27 y/o) acting hot and cold. No sex yet though

    Pipeman84, thanks for reply! At one point i just was ready to walk away, stopped messaging, calling her. But then she started to act hot towards me, messaging me when we can hangout, etc. I just find this really weird, why is she in active engagement with me during those 4 months, i mean it...
  17. D

    Girl (27 y/o) acting hot and cold. No sex yet though

    Have been dating this girl for 4 months, we kiss, hug, you pretty much name it and we do everything except sex. We been very close to have sex couple of times, but she breaks it off saying she is not ready yet. She says she only have sex while she in a relationship. But she is not ready for a...