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  1. U

    Why it’s cheaper to pay a lady of the night, rather than waste your time and money trying to “pick up” women in bars and nightclubs.

    Bull****, at least a prostitute is a real woman and the mature age hookers I see give me a very passionate XXX rated service, and they have very clean smelling breath.
  2. U

    What is confidence?, and how does it relate to attracting women?

    Well no homo here, but the man shown in that picture is not average looking, he is a Chad/Chad lite, so what's your point?
  3. U

    What is confidence?, and how does it relate to attracting women?

    Once again more victim blaming, and I will stick with hookers, at least I get laid (unlike the wannabe Casanovas here).
  4. U

    What is confidence?, and how does it relate to attracting women?

    No, sorry mate, it ain't BS, and what you're doing is both victim blaming and gas lighting. If a woman says NO (either verbally or via her body language), she means NO, what part of the NO word, don't you understand? I think I read female body language pretty well, and whenever I detect any...
  5. U

    What is confidence?, and how does it relate to attracting women?

    Yes, it's called being an ugly looking man.
  6. U

    What is confidence?, and how does it relate to attracting women?

    Us Blackpillers think that even ugly fat girls deserve a Chad, because of rampant female hypergamy and entitlement.
  7. U

    What is confidence?, and how does it relate to attracting women?

    I have been very friendly and civil to people here, but it's not my fault some people here have no common sense.
  8. U

    Why it’s cheaper to pay a lady of the night, rather than waste your time and money trying to “pick up” women in bars and nightclubs.

    That's IF she genuinely likes you, what if she is a gold digger who is just using you for your money?, then dating her will become very, very expensive.
  9. U

    What is confidence?, and how does it relate to attracting women?

    No, I am actually quite serious, I only get angry when I get blamed for something that's not my fault, or when some people here don't understand basic common sense, but unfortunately common sense is not all that common. I'm no *****, I'm just an honest, straight shooter who tells like it is.
  10. U

    What is confidence?, and how does it relate to attracting women?

    You really are this clueless, so the odd ugly guy gets lucky so what?, it doesn't prove anything, and you have shown some wealthy celebrities, well when you have money , women tend to conveniently forget what you look like (do you know what a gold digger is?). And in those cases where you have...
  11. U

    What is confidence?, and how does it relate to attracting women?

    Finally, someone here, who gets it.
  12. U

    What is confidence?, and how does it relate to attracting women?

    Nice victim blaming, and what makes you a ladies man? I will stick with hookers at least there's no BS, and the sex is good.
  13. U

    What is confidence?, and how does it relate to attracting women?

    Well if you’re a physically unattractive man, well of course you’re going to struggle with the ladies, but how is that the fault of said unattractive man?
  14. U

    What is confidence?, and how does it relate to attracting women?

    A lot of good responses?, that’s debatable.
  15. U

    What is confidence?, and how does it relate to attracting women?

    I’d say real confidence comes from success, as confidence is the byproduct of success, it’s not the cause of it.
  16. U

    What is confidence?, and how does it relate to attracting women?

    I don’t mean to be rude, but have you got Asperger’s?, can’t you read social cues and female body language?, it’s not rocket science. If a woman is giving you death stares, dirty looks, it’s her non verbal way of saying “go away creep, I don’t like you”, where you should make a very rapid exit...
  17. U

    What is confidence?, and how does it relate to attracting women?

    Women want good looks and/or money, that’s only thing they care about in a man.
  18. U

    What is confidence?, and how does it relate to attracting women?

    Rubbish, confidence comes from success, there’s simply no other way around it.
  19. U

    What is confidence?, and how does it relate to attracting women?

    I actually did hit the gym many years ago and was in great shape, but I just ended up an ugly man with a good body. I’m not complaining as I gave up on dating more than ten years ago. There’s nothing wrong with my social skills, but women don’t f. Ck your social skills, they f .ck you based on...