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  1. C

    How many plates should I have

    Thanks lads, just let two drop, leaving me with 7. Plan to get this number down to 3 or 4. Seeing three this week, four next, but ive got other **** i want to do
  2. C

    How many plates should I have

    What do you reckon fellas, whats a sensible number? Before it becomes so time consuming that you let them all fall.
  3. C

    I went wrong

    Rejoined Tinder at 12pm yesterday, by 8 had a girl come around. She was fine, massive tits. Few kids, so not partner material. Presumed I would shag her. Got on well, she was highly interested, snogged, felt each other up, then she said she didnt sleep with people on first dates anymore, still...
  4. C

    NoFap and game/sex field report thread, who wants to take part and report results?

    Its massively important. I used to watch loads of porn when i was married. Cut it out completely since. Currently not on the hunt, but when I am, I dont fap at all as retention is essential in pushing you forward to actually pull woman. In no time at all its replaced with regularly shagging...
  5. C

    Personal looks (and balding)

    Dont worry about it. It just shows that the Testosterone is flowing and that you're a man.
  6. C

    Why do girls like guys that look very similar to them

    No, you're not pal. Read a scientific study about it. Its largely due to ego. If someone has the same gaps between specific features as you, you will find them attractive, for example the gap between the nose and the mouth.
  7. C

    Bit of Help

    Don’t even attempt a relationship. So much is going to go wrong. You will use her as a therapist. You will become attached. I'm pretty sure this is what happenend to me, should have got on here sooner. Thanks lads
  8. C

    Bit of Help

    Cheers buddy. Much appreciated, will start with the book of pook
  9. C

    Bit of Help

    Thanks lads, I know you're right, I just dived back in within a couple of weeks. So no woman at all ?
  10. C

    Bit of Help

    I've read a lot of them, find a lot of conflicting messages, which do you reckon I should read?
  11. C

    Bit of Help

    Just writing that has actually helped I think im looking for a relationship, but in a stronger frame.
  12. C

    Bit of Help

    This is probably my major problem, I don’t know. I regularly debate fixing my marriage, but I realise it will take patience (which I lack) and I know that an exclusive marriage will likely involve me comprising something big. So I then debate having an open marriage, but while i like the idea...
  13. C

    Bit of Help

    Ey up lads, looking for some guidance and support, split with my wife after 11 years in early 2021, read Dr Robert Glovers "No More Mr Guy" realised i was suffering from nice guy syndrome, read the book, life was good but three times I've bloody relapsed into old habits and ended up ****ing ****...