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  1. G

    Sign Off

    Amazingly there does not seem to bea signout button here... to think I never looked all this time, it's ... scary
  2. G

    Sign Off

    Guys, Had some fun reading about all of your adventures here. Best of luck to you all in getting the 18 yo's, the classy sophisticated women, the girls of your dreams, etc. I have decided to sign off because it turns out I'm gay. Well, no, not really. I hope. You never know. But from...
  3. G

    Steam Cleaning Chick (Long)

    I admit, your post was too goddam long and I didn't read most of it. I was too worn out from steam cleaning my damn apt. all day b/c I have no 20 yo ho to do it for me (what the fuk is up with this country?). If your 20 yo ho did the job for free, 'nuff said, you are the man. Just pls...
  4. G

    Academics, grad school...

    HBS I worked for one and he was . . . dumb. BUT he knew everyone, the VC studs included. That is your value if you hire one. That, and their willingness to lie to anyone about anything. Just keep them away from the spreadsheets. The other secret is: you can pay them half what they are...
  5. G

    Update on on-line dating experiences

    stay away from the internet you pulled a cross-eyed chick and a gold-digger. if you don't believe me about the 8.5 you never played real russian roullete. neither did I. I played Romanian roulette. It's just as bad. These girls are master DJ's, and if they only crush your game in the end...
  6. G

    Why you no longer need to be a DJ

    Once upon a time, getting laid was something. Now, it's piss. Now, it's free. You just gotta show up. DOn't believe me, read this: Fact is, game or not, you score. It's like playing DOOM with unlimited ammo and...
  7. G

    Meeting an 18yo girl tonight

    Eileen = attention ***** DL move = IGNORE
  8. G

    Steam Cleaning Chick (Long)

    <flame> i'm gonna piss on your parade. sounds like you got played. you payed for the service and the only thing that got hot moisture on it was your floor. worse, you are relying on showing off your boat, rolex, etc. that's not dj. that's rich old man. get some game </flame> other than...
  9. G

    Wish me luck.

    Bungo Pony is right. Now, if this was the best 10 hrs of your life, why not (a) stay friends with HB6 and (b) make a move on HB8? I mean, if you and HB6 are tight, you're gonna bump into HB8 again. Just b/c you didn't make a move that night means nothing. A gentleman would not make his...
  10. G

    Flying solo: It was OK

    I don't have much to add to this post except that I was in a bar Sat. with a friend over happy hour and it's a lot less crowded and noisy at this time so you can have actual convo. Drinks are cheaper, too, of course. Seemed like a more mature hour to go out. The rooftop bars in late...
  11. G

    Chickened out of the PU :(

    something else to think of The outcome doesn't matter. Number. Rejection. Whatever. If you approach, ten other women nearby notice. Half of them, in that moment, want you, the man of action, to approach them, too. It's all about validating their attractiveness. So, approach the HB. If...
  12. G

    Meeting an 18yo girl tonight

    I'm the dork who said that Clearly it works for you, though, so that's great. Nothing wrong with a fresh young ho. Post the FR. P.S. Maybe it's just me but you sound like you're on speed, Eric. At the very least you're reinventing your personality. There is some writer who calls this...
  13. G

    Could I get her back?

    mod: please move Clearly not a "mature man" topic here. Age < 25. "We love each other, you don't understand, bla bla bla ...."
  14. G

    Low sex drive

    Thanks Ever
  15. G

    Online Dating Field Report

    Well, just remember, Al Gore invented the internet. If that's your idea of a DJ then go for it. And don't forget to mention candy in your ad, fat girls lluuvvvv the chocolate candy.
  16. G

    Dating younger woman...

    I love the big theories! I'm giving Nick and Alice six months. I'm betting it costs him a house in Malibu. P.S. Hopefully she's a smokin' hot virgin conservative Christian chick from bumbleboo that he had to marry to properly debauche. Six months of el primo newlywed sex breaking her in...
  17. G

    The New Generation of Women

    Hey, Bungo Pony is back. How's the old lady?
  18. G

    Low sex drive

    Yeah, good summary, Everclear, except the "wtf???" comments. It's alright if you can't read or understand a simple explanation, as I've posted. But most folks who lack the mental prowess try to it to themselves. Might even help with the women . . . but who knows, if you lay off the...
  19. G

    Low sex drive

    All of the above -- except for the all mental part, that's bunk, and seeing the idiot doctors -- plus kelp tabs. It's the iodine. Boosts thyroid hormone. Thyroid produces all hormones including sex hormones. Been where you are at and the exercise, supplements, and some detox did the trick.
  20. G

    I'm a jealous jerk

    200 mill? where'd you get that from? F 9/11 hasn't even *grossed* 100 far as I know. I think that number is off by a couple of decimal points. I also think a grouchy fat schlub with a ***** azz voice like michael moore couldn't pull the hair off a kitten let alone pull a 6 or up.