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  1. C

    Went through her phone.... - not good

    Based on what you've already written in this thread, it sounds more like you want the second of these two. And the way you've written it is rather timid. "Maybe if she ..." It also sounded like she wasn't that interested in this (e.g., exclusivity, dating, etc.), otherwise she would have taken...
  2. C

    Broke up with my girlfriend, was this message mean?

    @taiyuu_otoko has the right idea, it's easy to mistake or rationalize "low interest" for "avoidance". This sounds like limerance, and is too "intense":
  3. C

    Dissolving My Marriage

    He's one of the best people I came across a year or two ago when going through a phase of watching dating/relationship content. Lots of great insights from him. Another which I never dove into, but suspect might have good insights, is the guest in this interview (the content of which might...
  4. C

    Dissolving My Marriage

    Right, so it is relatively recent and has been brewing for a while. As for arguments, there's something to be said about the importance of peace of mind Perhaps your situation would be very difficult to salvage at this point, and while you've tried for the past year, it might also be you...
  5. C

    Dissolving My Marriage

    I don't have the full story here, but I have read your last few threads OP (e.g., wanting to get your wife to do a threesome, wanting to get her to "open up more" sexually, etc.) What's the backstory here? This is what I'm aware of off hand: - she was the first woman you slept with in your...
  6. C

    Solutions for 7 year LTR with 2 kids on the rocks - she doesn't know how she feels about me

    If your lives weren't as interconnected as they are, you might have instead got the "I think we need a break" line (or a break up), rather than what has happened.
  7. C

    Should threads be approved before posting?

    From what I've seen, forums take a life of their own, have 'moods' of sorts that change/alternate through time. Modding can be difficult. Maybe a middle ground would be something like another sub-forum, similar to The Mature Man, where threads only end up if moved there by a mod after a...
  8. C

    The obsession with foreign women is a fantasy tale cope

    No worries. May have DM'd instead if I had thought my original comment was going to lead to thread derailment.
  9. C

    The obsession with foreign women is a fantasy tale cope

    You're making assumptions, again. I didn't read any of the other replies to this thread before replying myself. You didn't happen to see my edit, before you replied. The edit from the last post: If I were pressed to give an opinion on the topic, it would start with the caveat that I don't...
  10. C

    The obsession with foreign women is a fantasy tale cope

    Learn to read. I'm not angry. I haven't defended the ideology that you refer to. In this thread or any other. In fact, I haven't come to much of an opinion on the topic at hand yet. You jumping to the conclusion that I have says something though. My post was meant as constructive feedback...
  11. C

    The obsession with foreign women is a fantasy tale cope

    Irrelevant. Crafting good arguments requires knowing what will be automatic contention points to the audience. By even bringing 90-day fiance up, it's likely that some of this thread will be spent arguing the merits of using that show as a reference point, and hence, take away from everything...
  12. C

    The obsession with foreign women is a fantasy tale cope

    If that show is like any of the other shows I'm thinking about (don't remember the names, someone else turned the show on), they were overly dramatic. The TV shows probably encouraged such behaviour and filtered for men/women who would have toxic/"exciting"/dramatic relationships. Point being...
  13. C

    Gf going on multiple dates/meetings

    She met him on Tinder. She's on Tinder.
  14. C

    How do you get another bang from a one-night stand?

    Naive question, I just looked that up. I assume you attach an appropriate weight to it based on what you're capable of?
  15. C

    How To Hook-up With An Ex?

    Thanks Dw3. Admittedly it effected me more than I expected. I think the dynamic of it probably played a part of that ... a straight up "no" or excuse to cancel would have been preferable to limbo-land. But hey, I'll move on & learn from it, + not try again with her. I put myself in this...
  16. C

    How To Hook-up With An Ex?

    I preemptively cancelled the date/meet-up, due to the high chance of a flake, and wanting to respect my own time/peace-of-mind. Did that a day beforehand, and a week after her leaving me unread/unreplied-to. Left it open to see her another day, though I didn't suggest it. She replied within...
  17. C

    How To Hook-up With An Ex?

    Good point, she was a lot quicker to read + reply a month or two ago. She did. Though I should have, and had thought about doing so a few months before it ended. Had a gut intuition of sorts to do so ... that I ignored Was younger and much less mature at the time, tried to fix a failing...
  18. C

    How To Hook-up With An Ex?

    Thanks, and yeah, that's probably true. I just find it a bit weird. Why agree to plans only to go on to immediately ignore me afterwards? We've known each other for a decade, it's not like we're strangers / new to each other There's a chance that she thought the message didn't contain...
  19. C

    How To Hook-up With An Ex?

    So, I went ahead and FB messaged her last week. She said she'd be down for (this coming) Thursday. I replied, with a message to set a specific time of day (mid-afternoon), which she never opened nor replied to. Been nearly a week now, and Thursday is just a few days away. She probably...
  20. C

    How To Hook-up With An Ex?

    No worries, and thank you for the suggestions RR. Her and I both like hikes, and there are several short hikes/walking trails around the city. A few she probably has never been to, because they are kind of hidden ... my old very-outdoorsy roommate and I went out to a few together after my ex...