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  1. G

    Am I coming off as an arrogant newbie know it all?

    lol don't mind Murk he's always pissed off but he's cool. I'd say this though, if a bunch of faceless anonymous guys on the internet (no offense mates) can make you question yourself like this, not knowing whether you said wrong or right...all without direct confrontation (privately in your DMS...
  2. G

    Why do girls like guys that look very similar to them

    This phenomenon isn't too far fetched to understand if you take into consideration women's hypergamous nature, aka Women never date down and the fact that they're naturally blackpilled aka they always have an eye out for chad, that's even putting it mildly. Anyway, when her efforts to get...
  3. G

    LTR - Not sure how to handle this issue.....

    My friend what you need to deploy is SILENCE AND DISTANCE. Let her go but don't be available when she gets back. If you call her out on her behavior now, your insecurities will show. When she's gone on her trip with her gay wingman because that's what he is: a wingman, don't call her or text...
  4. G

    A thought experiment to end it once and for all

    You have done well. In short you have done very well with this reply. However long replies have the potential of derailing the conservation. I implore you all to be patient and succinct as possible as we conduct this short experiment. The point of it will soon be established.
  5. G

    A thought experiment to end it once and for all

    Brothers, never in the history of mankind have we had free access to behavioural data on the beta male than we have today. With the internet and social media, beta male behaviour has been exposed for all to see. Today we shall utilise this data and every available data we have witnessed or...