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    I've behaved in one of the worst ways a parent or person could. Will my kid really be worse off if I'm not around?

    My partner and I had an unplanned daughter four years ago. Our relationship was already going south at the time but I thought it was worth staying together and trying to make it work. I'm 33 and she's 37. Fast forward four years and the only positive thing in both of our lives is our daughter...
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    How to do you let go and not care what a casual partner is doing?

    Sounds interesting. Maybe mediation might be useful for developing that type of mindset.
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    How to do you let go and not care what a casual partner is doing?

    That's exactly the attitude I need to take. I just wish it came more easily to me to be less invested in these kinds of silly concerns.
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    How to do you let go and not care what a casual partner is doing?

    I don't know why I act like this. It's not something rational but rather an emotional thing. I guess the fact she says she's waiting for me when I know better that she isn't waiting at all is what partly drives this behavior. But I wish I could just let it go, let her do whatever she's gonna do...
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    How to do you let go and not care what a casual partner is doing?

    I met a hot girl while traveling abroad a couple of months ago. We slept together 15-20 times. All the signs tell me she's the promiscuous type. We've kept in daily contact since I returned home 8 weeks ago and I'm due to travel to where she lives again in two weeks. I've had STD tests done and...
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    If you haven't excelled in life by age 32, it's pretty much over.

    ^ I'm nowhere near either owning a house or having six figures in a retirement fund.
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    If you haven't excelled in life by age 32, it's pretty much over.

    ^ It's too late to take responsibility for my mental health. Most people don't live with undiagnosed and untreated depression / social anxiety for like 15 years and only then get treated. The vast majority of people tend to notice these things and take action on them but I escaped mine through...
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    If you haven't excelled in life by age 32, it's pretty much over.

    ^ please enlighten me on what's made up about admitting that if your life hasn't met even the minimum bar of success by 32, you're most likely not going to change much. I can't get my youth back, a youth I lost to depression, and that's the part of life both sexes consistently rank as the best.
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    If you haven't excelled in life by age 32, it's pretty much over.

    The thing is I feel like my attitude is totally realistic and that it's perfectly natural to say that it's over. I mean look at where I'm starting from. Your 20s should be the most fun carefree, sex-filled and adventurous time of life and it is for 99% of people yet mine were lost to depression...
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    If you haven't excelled in life by age 32, it's pretty much over.

    I write this as a 32-year-old whose entire adulthood has been a cluster**** of epic proportions. Only been in two relationships, the latter being eight years long and toxic for at least half of that time. Only have $30k in the bank. Don't own property. Only ****ed 4 women. Hated college. Don't...
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    What are some fun hobbies that will get me out of the house, away from the Internet, and make me feel part of a community??

    Been reading the Book of Pook and seeing a lot of descriptions of how men should really be involved in "action" types of hobbies. I am 33 and I spent the majority of my 20s being lazy and introverted, sitting at home reading books and Internet forums. I went out to drink regularly but it was...
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    Do I need to swallow the age pill or can I really get laid abundantly in mid 30s to mid 40s?

    While my partner wasn't completely devoid of blame, much of the toxicity was down to my own mental health difficulties (chronic depression) that went untreated for a large part of my life. But yes, I certainly will be more careful in the future about the women I settle down with whenever that...
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    Do I need to swallow the age pill or can I really get laid abundantly in mid 30s to mid 40s?

    Thanks for your reply. I know after a certain notch count it will probably lose its value (I certainly don't ever plan to keep continuously chasing some high numbers for the sake of an ego boost), however, it's hard to know at what number notch count it will feel enough. The average man has...
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    Do I need to swallow the age pill or can I really get laid abundantly in mid 30s to mid 40s?

    Unlike many men, I didn't spend my 20s or early 30s with a diverse number of sexual partners. I was in two long-term relationships, and both of them failed for various reasons. There seems to be contrasting information out there on the reality I'm faced with as someone in their mid-30s who wants...
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    Is this how most people spend their 20s?

    I already felt bad about wasting my 20s and early 30s (from 24-32) in a failing relationship but a recent thread on a website similar to this has made me feel far worse. The thread was about bucket list travel experiences and responses were just so far from how I spent my 20s that I feel...
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    I wasted my youth and I'm struggling to let my regrets go. Any tips or advice?

    Is casual sex not what provides a huge part of meaning/purpose to life? I mean, we have dozens of forums online dedicated to helping men get laid, writing lay reports etc. Most of my life regrets stem from the fact that I never played the field in my 20s. I wasted my time in toxic relationships...
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    The myth of women throwing themselves at tall, rich, ripped "Chads"

    I've only recently begun efforts to improve my success with women, but the advice I'm seeing everywhere about money and status improving my chances of getting laid is the most confusing part of it all. Like if I have a good job earning X amount of money, it's not like I'm walking around with a...
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    I wasted my youth and I'm struggling to let my regrets go. Any tips or advice?

    There is no point in trying to change my life though. The narrative is already there deeply embedded in my mind, in my everyday thoughts, that I screwed up my youth. Within that narrative there is no room for not having the fun time of it that everyone else did. I would feel like a fraud even...
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    I wasted my youth and I'm struggling to let my regrets go. Any tips or advice?

    Thanks for the book suggestion; it's one I'm very familiar with. I really like The Power of Now. My problem is that I'm someone who intellectualizes a lot and doesn't take enough action. Despite my unhappiness in life, I've had great exposure to books that have definitely filled my mind with...
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    I wasted my youth and I'm struggling to let my regrets go. Any tips or advice?

    I understand where you're coming from but those kissless 32-year-old virgins are even more at the tail end of what's normal in the distribution of an average 18-30-year-old's life. What is actually the normal/average life that 80% of young men lucky enough to be from the Western world live? From...