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  1. S

    has a girl ever made one of your friends cry?

    a friend of mine has always seemed to have girl problems no matter what. Every girl he has been with so far has treated him badly. the girl he recently broke up with was cheating on him, so that messed him up kinda bad. he called me on the phone and told about the situation then all of a sudden...
  2. S

    do white girls usually go for black guys?

    i've never dated a white girl before, i usually just date black girls. But ever since i been in college i've seen some really fine white girls that i wouldn't mind trying to get with, but i'm not too sure how to approach them. any dj's have any thoughts or opinions?
  3. S

    Does being without a car affect your game?

    I'm in college and i haven't been able to afford a car yet , so taking a female out for a date is out. So do any don juans out there have any suggestions for a date?
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    How do I let a female friend know i'm interested?

    I've been friends with this girl for a little while and she's been giving me all the signs, eye-contact, playful hitting,etc. So we get a group from our class to study for a test, and I hear her telling somebody that she likes one of their friends. I'm like sitting across from her and I was...
  5. S

    what if a girl with a boyfriend comes on to you?

    I just wanted to know what the don juans out there thought of my situation. There is this girl in my class who I strongly believe is interested in me. She was the one to start conversations with me, I never used to pay her any attention. So she asks me to do a class assignment with her, and asks...