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  1. H

    Why does the manosphere care so much about abortion

    I saw that Argentina legalized abortion today, becoming the first county in Latin America to do so. I want to understand why some sections of the "manospere" get so worked up over it. I have been following Rollo Tomossi The Rational Male lately. He does not seem especially rational due to his...
  2. H

    New to game, looking for some advice

    Talk to everyone! Before learning about game I was very much a head down/minimal small talk guy. I would talk and joke with people at work and parties, but nowhere else. Once I started talking to everyone in any scenario I could feel my ability and confidence growing. Doing this really helps...
  3. H

    Advice on a girl trying to "reconnect"

    Good advice all around
  4. H

    Advice on a girl trying to "reconnect"

    Thanks for the food for thought. To answer your second question, from my brief research girls coming back is a pretty common occurrence for guys who have a lot more experience then me. There is one guru type called black dragon who is obsessed with spreadsheets and has charted an over 90%...
  5. H

    Advice on a girl trying to "reconnect"

    Hi All, Just discovered the forum recently and it has been very helpful. I would say I am an intermediate when it comes to game and women, but was presented with a situation I have not been in before and need some advice on how to play it to get the outcome I want. Background- I was FWB with...