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  1. I

    Nash equilibrium says to ignore the hottest girl; seems to be true to an extent

    Makes sens. Cause if you go in it is mutually assured destruction. Not playing removes her from the pool, but at least youre not stroking her ego/dancing for her.
  2. I

    Nash equilibrium says to ignore the hottest girl; seems to be true to an extent

    So curious, the easy option is to go to the next hottest, what's your play if you decide to go against the other sharks on the hottest. Cause at that point, it seems difficult for anyone to isolate. Do you treat is similar to friend groups, where sometimes you just know that she isnt going to...
  3. I

    Nash equilibrium says to ignore the hottest girl; seems to be true to an extent

    Youre right, however I didnt ignore her to get her attention. I just removed myself cause I realised when choosing between her 4-5 friends who wanted to have shots and click pics and chatting with me, the friends would win. Sometimes it's best to pick and choose a moment just like a shooting a...
  4. I

    Nash equilibrium says to ignore the hottest girl; seems to be true to an extent

    Was out at a friend's party. Saw the hottest girl HB9 just being surrounded by multiple guys. And everyone knows that all the guys are going approaching and hanging around. Everyone blocks everyone and HB9 gets all the attention/validation she needs. It swaps the power dynamics, and people give...
  5. I

    Gym long game

    yeah this was confusing to me cause she asked me about what im doing and my name, which typically is something only the interested ones do. But idk maybe I said something that didnt resonate with her. Nah I get it mainly a quick in and out. And I;m not going to be in this gym for too long...
  6. I

    Gym long game

    I guess this makes sense since in a way everyone is vetted to an extent so not complete strangers and yeah going to leave in a few months so big deal. Yeah not going to talk to every single one and mostly I just ignore them and look through most and focus on getting out in under an hour. So if...
  7. I

    Gym long game

    People talk about the gym long game but doesnt long game usually turn out to be friend zone. I dont approach at the gym but usually when they smile after we make eye contact and are nearby enough the next time, Ill make some comment. But then again most women at my gym stick to the yoga mat...
  8. I

    What kind of advice do women give each other?

    For a small proportion some "great advice" they got was to make the guy double text to confirm interest.
  9. I

    Number Closed but No Response

    In most cases she for sure has read the message. Why isnt no response considered a response. Personally I used to send another text but that too would go unanswered so I learnt it's easier. Keep the number or delete doesnt matter, most cases she wont reach out again. Curious as to any...
  10. I

    During an approach after how many sh1t tests do you move on

    Approach. Got chatting and then first **** test was about age. Which then moved into not being professionally appropriate since she works for the school cafeteria. Then it moved on to not knowing me enough for a number but offered snapchat/instagram. I offered my email and linkedin. But realised...
  11. I

    New trend of countering drinks with coffee

    Not sure whether this is something post covid where HB's are countering drinks suggestion with coffee. Now I dont mind coffee as long as we dont go to starbucks for those sugar drinks. Wondering if covid made some women realise how lonely they actually are and try locking down some providers...
  12. I

    “Don’t kiss on the first date unless you know you’ll get laid”

    UPDATE It actually worked out. But probably cause this chick was HI. Anyways on 2nd date she couldnt stop touching me. And she made it a breeze for me to escalate. There was some LMR before the kiss. But this sample is too small for any conclusion. Anyways it's probably better to go for it...
  13. I

    Women DO NOT hang out 1on1 alone with guys they don't wanna ****.

    Makes sense women hang out with orbiters but I though OLD or new girls they would rather not go 1on1 right? FIgured these are the types to only meet when the guy's paying for something. Doubt they would meet for something cheap <$5 like a walk/icecream.
  14. I

    Indecisive boss stalling career

    I can understand businesses being uncertain but here he cant stand by his decisions. I get it that if youre wrong then you need to change opinions etc. That and the boss isnt as ambitious, aggressive or assertive. Cant say no keeps taking on more than we can handle and finally in the long run...
  15. I

    What's Her Interest Level? Confused.

    This was your mistake. Even if she invites you the next day and it wasnt you inviting her dont go for it. Subconsciously they think you have too much free time which means you must not be that great. Maybe the meeting friends makes it seem to quick for her. She may think you want something more...
  16. I

    Women DO NOT hang out 1on1 alone with guys they don't wanna ****.

    Not me, but at least he didnt pay for much besides the smokes. Funny enough I would expect them to go 1on1 to cafes or restaurants not a park.
  17. I

    Indecisive boss stalling career

    I have an indecisive boss. His lack of assertiveness is going to stall my career. He has had a relatively slow growth and if he doesnt grow faster the entire team stalls under him. I guess my only option is to leave and look for another job, which sucks cause I actually like the place I'm at...
  18. I

    “Don’t kiss on the first date unless you know you’ll get laid”

    I think this is the biggest concern. Friendzoning yourself not showing intent. Weird. I assume you would have tried to isolate her away from people and even then she turned her cheek. Was she playing hard to get or just ASD/LMR/being shy? I would have thought that 2 days with the cheek means...
  19. I

    What's your opinion of when Married men says "Oh She's the boss"

    Guys who have lost their spine. Guys like that drown themselves in work or a hobby. Mostly work. And they are not assertive enough.
  20. I

    Women DO NOT hang out 1on1 alone with guys they don't wanna ****.

    Well this age old adage proved to be false for a buddy. He was just discussing his time with I assume an AW trying to make him an orbiter. If this was something few years back I would agree but nowadays women go out with guys for a free meal and free attention. But somehow I feel it was him to...