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    Kino in the classroom...

    Kino is easy somewhat... Just when you get a chance touch her... get it so its something normal to you. i've been kinoing lately and i dont even have to think about it anymore... one thing that i noticed though, the girls i kino, kino back but they dont know that i have an attraction for them...
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    i guess im going for the more laid back type and just getting her comfortable with me and getting her to know me and feel attracted to me in a way
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    I know this one 16yr old girl im 16 myself. What should I do to attract this girl? What can I do w/ her after school that would be considered fun? MALL? STORE? EATING? etc? I need soem help here.
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    dance class

    nice player_supreme i've always wanted to learn aikido ... once i start driving i will go learn aikido.
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    Kino at work

    if you act like its normal to you. then.... what does she have to say about it? that's just you. i think your ok :)
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    On High School Social Structure...

    that's too long ;(
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    College or High School?

    Is it easier to get laid in College or High School? Why or Why Not?
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    faded/old/grundge effect clothing

    Would you guys post pictures on what type of clothing you guys would wear.
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    faded/old/grundge effect clothing

    * * *...
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    faded/old/grundge effect clothing

    im talking about the tshirts that have the faded effect on them? do people tend to link them? they seem old/vintage do girls like that style of clothing?
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    faded/old/grundge effect clothing

    who wears the clothing from A&F, Gap, Old Navy, Hollister. Who wears the faded/old style looking clothing does anyone wear these things? I kinda like some of the faded tshirts but not the beated or used looking jeans. Do girls like this style?
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    what kind of tshirts do you guys wear? i want tshirts that have no brand names on them but are plain. but have a design or something on them. where can i get them im talking about tshirts like the one in Frontin by pharrel the music video teh black billionaire tshirt he had.
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    Why are my friends such chumps?

    I agree, I currently have a group of friends, I hang out with at school who I can talk to and just kick it and lay back they seem interested in girls but not all the time every once in a while and never approach any of them. I have 2 other friends that like to pick up on girls. I kick it...
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    cologne? clothing? how about u?

    what cologne do you use? what results have you had? what clothes do you where? 1. as of now curve by liz claiborne (going to try another one soon pi by givenchy) 2. around teenagers i've gotten a good response. i get lots of hugs from wearing curve 1. tshirt, pants, preppy and urban...