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  1. L

    Contacted by ex with some major psych issues, need some advice

    Thank you for your time and energy writing the replies. I have been doing cbt and got some books on it too in the last couple of weeks. Right now I have this itch that I want to block her on social media, having it pretty bad, like every hour. This urge to delete its almost overpowering. Blocked...
  2. L

    Contacted by ex with some major psych issues, need some advice

    Sht, deep stuff dude, you are right got to dwell on this. The thing is, the results I have been getting lately are beyond my expectations. I am tempted to use this situation to learn, but ultimately the question is. Is this hubris? I have come so far and probably am ****y as fvck, thinking I...
  3. L

    Contacted by ex with some major psych issues, need some advice

    Codependency, not sure, would say that whenever someone has a problem, I usually can come up with a solution or at least a path to it. Think this comes from me reading about 500 books in the last couple of years, getting some of that education that I was missing. I know myself, trust myself, am...
  4. L

    Contacted by ex with some major psych issues, need some advice

    I appreciate your advice and wisdom man, golden is what it is.
  5. L

    Contacted by ex with some major psych issues, need some advice

    Yup, we were friends for a couple of months before that, talking on and off. So the relationship was abusive, me not really getting what emotional abuse and constant stress is I went along with it. I figured out after these two months that my childhood was so massively fvcked that this was not...
  6. L

    Contacted by ex with some major psych issues, need some advice

    Yep you are on point, I did give her permission to guilt me into it. I`m actually happy to say that she can`t in any shape or form contribute to me as a man or a friend and she does not deserve even a stray thought from my brain. The thing is, I went NC to see what happens, didn`t even know...
  7. L

    Contacted by ex with some major psych issues, need some advice

    I hope you live a happy, long and fulfilling life man. Your two sentences made me laugh so hard, instantly felt better.
  8. L

    Contacted by ex with some major psych issues, need some advice

    Just about two months ago I got dumped (realistically it was a 30 day ish relationship). Not so unexpected, seen some signs. Went NC immediately after. Long story short, I got some traumatic responses at first after the breakup from myself, going into flight or fight for 48 hours straight, no...