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  1. S

    Another Reason Not To Use Tinder

    Jewru1000 you forgot J-Date.
  2. S

    VALUE Proposition - Business Card Cold Approach

    Did you shamelessly alter your mug so it wouldn't get picked out in the next police lineup?
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    Another Reason Not To Use Tinder

    ^^ Claims to be too busy to hit the field yet not to busy to post daily on SS and subscribe to every OLD dating site known to man. Might want to take your own advice old boy.
  4. S

    So ugly Harvey Weinstein is a creep to be shamed but

    Looks like the list of Pervy Weinerstein's accusers keeps growing. Will he break Pill Cosby record? Bet these same accusers would spread willingly for a Derek Jeter and count him "harassing" them as a notch on their garter belts.
  5. S

    Question for the ex-cons, previously incarcerated and now posting on SS

    How do you go about society accepting you again? How do you proved you are a changed man for the better of all? Do you tell women you meet you've spent time incarcerated? And do you realize you have much more improving to do than men who have never been incarcerated?
  6. S

    What gets you the girls is "confidence"

    Kent TV - Confidence doesn't mean Anything
  7. S

    What gets you the girls is "confidence"

    Having delusional confidence is excellent advice. Jump off a building delusionally confident you can fly. Delude yourself that any and every female will like you just by believing it and of course every and any female just will. Tell bill collectors don't worry I'm delusionally confident I have...