I don’t see her all the time hence the dragging out. I think she has little experience and may not show it or even know what to do. Her shy disposition is real and sooner or later I’ll do something . I get all that you guys are saying I’ve thought about all of it.
She's shown some or possible interest or perhaps she's intrigued some what.I dont see her everyday or week so I cant always tell. Its going to take longer than everyone here thinks due to that. Sometimes she's with her dad so thats a complication
I'm looking for something kinda funny, I think of things of the top of my head when in conversation like random stuff, but something like a good opener to get things funny. I was hoping someone here maybe yourself? had tried some of this stuff. I dont go to bars anymore so Im into the PUA club...
Tonight she pauses and gives me neutral looks. I did nothing. I planned to fo nothing I’m giving it a break. Next time I see her I’ll resume. I turn to look at her and she’s looking right back at me.
Give me some funny material, what’s good tested and reliable ? After that I have some topics...
Do any of you deal with the internal battle of wanting to talk them but not wanting to at the same time? like you dont fear it. but you dont want to give anything away just yet? Sometimes I feel like avoiding them yet I dont want too.
In this case as you know me and her talk here and there so...
I walked by gave a brief smile, she smiled back that was it. I'm doing nothing cringe worthy. She just gives me these looks and look aways. This from a distance while I was talking to someone else when this happened so I was going nothing to cause awkwardness. I busy talking to a guy I know.
Why do you suppose it seemed that there was this tension and repeat looks like rapid fire? See I was wondering if it was negative. I'll get to it when the times is right
The problem is with all the looks from last night she might not be interested. The thing is here as you guys cant see but I can because I'm there its possible it can be seen negatively. As in, she might not want me to talk to her, or as much. I'm not sure yet.
No Im just giving it a bit of space a bit I cant be on her every time I see her. I was just curious if the rapid eye con act look back thing was god or not Im not sure. It could go either way
So I saw her tonight, right away we both did this look and look away bit about 4 times in about 30 seconds it was seriously like rapid fire. I sensed tension there,. I couldn’t tell if it was good or bad. So I did nothing. There was like the spike of energy and tension I kept looking over and...
Sorry I dont follow.I interact with her. She's shy You guys havent met her. A few bikini pics of her doesn't indicate she isn't shy. Its totally different on how people interact in the real world vs few photos.
No she's shy 100%. There are only a few photos of her in that sense.Its nothing explicit. You can tell when talking to her. I wouldn't have made this thread with it the main topic otherwise. I'm doing all the work, I'm not the shy one.I also think her experience with guys isn't much.
I won't take 9 months, but I feel that I need a higher degree of accuracy this time. I feel that due to her nature she may not have allot of experience with guys. She has a bunch of social media accounts( no I'm not stalking but doing my research) there seems to have no male presence in any of...
I dont see the point I was thinking you might have thought I made her uncomfortable but I don think that at all. No I'm not going to ask her out next time I see her.
I intend to gauge the next few conversations with her, if I read this correct if she uncomfortable, then she down? I always thought them being uncomfortable is bad? She's shy but I dont think she is uncomfortable around me.
I can't decide what to think. Some others think she may little experience with guys hitting on her as well... hence the blushing. Im going to gauge our next couple talks to see how it goes. There no evidence of any BF anywhere on her FB, none of the guys in her friends list seem like they would...
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