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  1. Merv

    Belly Button

    Yes! Next time you hug your girl from behind, stick your finger in and wiggle.
  2. Merv

    Lets turn an AFC to DJ

    Need start taking risk. I keep thinking of how it's gonna end before even starting. Need to change that mindset.
  3. Merv

    Lets turn an AFC to DJ

    You are my mentor now haha. My background: I'm a scrawny guy, but girls think I'm handsome, I think I'm handsome too. I have slept with one girl, that to a 2.5 yrs LTR, lost virginity to each other. I thought she was, "the one", "my world", "put her on the pedestal", "spoke to her every...
  4. Merv

    Lets turn an AFC to DJ

    So, I'm an AFC, looking to improve myself. Give me assignments that will help me become a DJ, and will do it and update this thread. Step 1. I will stop lazing at home on the weekends and start going out every Saturday. Step 2. Compliment at least 1 woman every 2 days. (Dont wanna be the...
  5. Merv

    I'm officially ready to go from AFC to DJ. And you all will get me there!

    I'm officially ready to go from AFC to DJ. And you all will get me there!
  6. Merv

    Belly Button

    Yes! Works! This will sound weird, but stick your finger in your belly button and wiggle. You will feel tingle up your D. Now imagine what she must feel like when you do it to her