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  1. BeExcellent

    Women Lie

    Here's the thing. Lies are generally told to avoid conflict or adverse consequence. If a man sees a prositute for sex is he going to tell his wife? Probably not. This is the lie of omission (not saying anything) and it is done both to protect the wife from hurt as well as avoid imagined...
  2. BeExcellent

    Speeding up personal growth

    Maintain a grateful attitude. Be thankful for what you have going on. This creates an aspirational positive mindset, which develops greater vision to growth and development.
  3. BeExcellent

    Gottman on how LTR's solve issues

    Agree. The problems start building when conflict avoidant people do not articulate what bugs them. The molehills then grow into insurmountable mountains. You gotta speak up and air the little stuff out so it doesn't become big stuff.
  4. BeExcellent

    Women Lie

    Advice from the old lady: Mostly women (and frankly plenty of men) lie to avoid conflict. It may be a lie that they aren't looking for a place when they are or that they don't feel attraction when they do. So much of it is conflict aversion. Women generally already know if something is going...
  5. BeExcellent

    How much do looks matter

    Advice from the old lady: Yes looks matter. But they are not ALL that matters. Many variables at play here, including what her value is and what her standards are. My sister most values kindness and maturity. She will accept less than Chad looks so long as he has his act together. My old...
  6. BeExcellent

    They say a cougar is an older woman who goes for younger guys, what age gap?

    I think this is reasonable. My husband & I look roughly the same age, and we are both youthful looking. People mistake us for late 30s/early 40s all the time, but he is 49 and I'm 56. I've never felt I'm a "cougar". That's always been a generational thing to me. If the guy could be your...
  7. BeExcellent

    Would marry a girl for money?

    I agree. It comes down to transparency and relinquishing of control. Estate planners/wealth managers cannot drive that part of the process. I've never understood that. Often the controlling family member(s) are all about opacity and control. I teach my kids about wealth creation, financial...
  8. BeExcellent

    Would marry a girl for money?

    That's on your father-in-law. Not your ex wife, which illustrates my point rather well. I didn't say every family is bright. The ones who build generational weath are very bright. They have to be. Lots of opportunists out there.
  9. BeExcellent

    Would marry a girl for money?

    Those are choices made by the families. I gave my son the diamond setting which he had crafted into his wife's wedding set. I wasn't wearing it, and she treasures it as it has become, for her, a sentimental familt piece (and it's a beautiful setting that suits her style much more than mine)...
  10. BeExcellent

    Would marry a girl for money?

    A few thoughts since some of y'all don't seem to realize: There will be no benefit to speak of to the husband in the event of divorce. Why? Wealthy families protect the wealth. This girl benefits from the wealth of the family but owns nothing. Therefore the husband cannot take from her...
  11. BeExcellent

    Does Size Matter?

    Hmmmm. Thoughts from the old lady: Old saying: Its not the size of the ship, but rather the motion of the ocean that matters. Being a skillful lover is more valuable than certain measurements..... Vaginas vary in depth too. Some deeper, some not as deep. There is such a thing as too long...
  12. BeExcellent

    Don’t know what to do in friendzone

    Advice from the old lady: Welcome. You'll get through this. I agree with what the guys have said. Essentially she is using you for attention but you are in love with her. Not good. Ask yourself some tough questions: 1. Why am I Ok with someone using me while I do not get my needs met? 2...
  13. BeExcellent

    Would marry a girl for money?

    Correct and correct. My real estate holdings are safe in a trust, so the trust owns them. I did that years ago (before I had even met my husband).
  14. BeExcellent

    Would marry a girl for money?

    One of the issues with this strategy is that unless he wears a condom every single time (and even possible if he does religiously wear one), he will sooner or later bring home a STD. When that happens she will be mortified/embarrassed & her family will be furious. So his desire to fvck...
  15. BeExcellent

    Would marry a girl for money?

    I don't disagree.
  16. BeExcellent

    Would marry a girl for money?

    Not true @jhonny9546 in the US. Maybe in Italy but less true here. I came from an affluent influential family but I and my sisters chose our own mates. I do know women whose families set up trusts to deed assets to their daughters (so those assets cannot be taken by a non family member) and I...
  17. BeExcellent

    Would marry a girl for money?

    Advice from the old lady: The father-in-law is the patriarch in this scenario and he will call the shots. Period. You or your friend will be expected to father her children, be a respectable husband & father, reflect well on her & her parents. His sexual loyalty will be required and...
  18. BeExcellent

    are you still friendly w people who rejected you?

    Nope. Plenty of opportunity obviously. We'd laugh about that and then be like.......NAH!
  19. BeExcellent

    Help me understand this girl's BS

    There is more than 1 way to get to a goal. Methodical and incremental methodology has its place. Sink or swim also has its merits. I was more methodical & incremental building success, especially while supporting my family, who I refused to have dire consequences befall them. So I planned...
  20. BeExcellent

    are you still friendly w people who rejected you?

    Never crossed those lines. But we were both high value people with maturity and character.