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    so i asked this girl out,here is what happend

    haha just go out with her man. if you want .....
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    so i asked this girl out ,what to do now?

    UPDATE: so today was good i think, i saw her from the corner of my eyes alot of time looking at me, but when i looked back she looked away, once i cought her watching and kept eye contact for like 10 secs when i smiled ,she smiled back,for the first time i saw her pupil dialate too, this...
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    so i asked this girl out ,what to do now?

    how to act in the class tommorow? like nothing happend? or should i go on ignoring her too?
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    single moms as plates?

    i tried it once,the sex is GOOOOD,but after that you have to be a daddy,or change your phone number /home adress etc etc(which i did)
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    need help please!!!

    here is what happend when i asked her out any ideas?
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    so i asked this girl out ,what to do now?

    here is the background : today i said "ive been meaning to say this for a while,i want to take you out for a drink,you have any plans this saturday?" she says "oh thats nice,yea thats a good idea ,(with a smile),but i cant this weekend,i...
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    need help please!!!

    yea thats what im thinking too
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    need help please!!!

    so there is this girl in my class,which i added to my facebook today, but it says "in a relation ship" and it doesnt say with who.but i have a good idea who it is,if theere is any one i mean,and hes out of the country seems like shes into me, here are the things that happend just today today we...