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  1. T

    Are Older Women Better?

    Younger = fairytale conditioning + hormonal fluctuations + hypergamy + biological clock. Older = fairytale conditioning + hormonal fluctuations + hypergamy + biological clock (ticking louder than ever) + many failed relationships + impending arrival of the wall. If anything, I'd say women my...
  2. T

    Are NEET men really disconnected from the dating pool? Or do they choose to be NEET because they have already been diconnected by rejection?

    Socioeconomic status is often (usually) continuous across multiple generations, hence (some) low income parents work four jobs to send there kids to college and on to a better life, because they know that if they don't, the situation will continue to perpetuate. This OP is a very long-winded...
  3. T

    What's the best way to deal with a text from someone who rejected you

    Someone reaches out once, you offer to get together. Declined. Someone reaches out a second time, you politely say you're not interested in just friendship and offer to meet a second time. Tell them to get in touch if they want to meet. They reach out a third time, tell them hope they are doing...