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  1. D

    let's discuss: Two approaches on how to be a Don Juan

    Hmmmm... thanks ImTheDoubleGreatest! Google tells me that these two approaches has names Casanova and Don Juan Thats a lot to think about :-) What's my personal game, how improve it...
  2. D

    let's discuss: Two approaches on how to be a Don Juan

    Two approaches on how to be a Don Juan I've gotten very good advice here about 2 approaches to be a don juan... in short: Desdinova wrote: about connecting emotionally is about emotional fluctuation/give her positive reactions and active...
  3. D

    godlike Don Juan needed...LTR

    Hello guys! Thanks for pointing this out for me! I'm gonna read The Married Man Sex Life Primer 2011 asap My relationship is somehow stagnant but definitely not failing. Thats why I'm here. Desdinova, thanks for the ideas! I'm going to do something with them. The way/road to passion /...
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    godlike Don Juan needed...LTR

    Hi, I'm a 32 years old guy girlfriend 28 in a 12+ relationship we have a kid of 6 years. Currently I'm a guy.. average skill level. We lose ourselves as a couple in family life. raising children, household work .... I want to become passionate again, recovering love,intimacy, passion, sex...