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  1. D

    Almost cut, what should I take?

    Hey everyone. Around Valentines Day I posted here because I had hit a wall in a massive weight loss regiment I'd put myself on. I was at around 215 then, and now I'm down to 190. A lot of people are saying I look good, but I still have more to do. I still have a pouch on my lower stomach...
  2. D

    burned out, how to keep losing weight?

    Is there a certain type protein mix that you guys would recommend for me? Will the number of carbs have an effect on my progress? I went to GNC, and there are different mixes with anywhere from 0-7 carbs in a serving. Just that fact that I should start taking in more calories again has me...
  3. D

    burned out, how to keep losing weight?

    Thanks for the replies so far, guys. Now are there any muscles I should put more emphasis on when lifting, and should I do high reps/low weight or low reps/high weight? I was planning on just doing cardio until I was happy with what I weighed, and then concentrate on lifting this summer, or in...
  4. D

    burned out, how to keep losing weight?

    Four and a half months ago, for the first time in my life, I seriously committed myself to losing the weight that has been troubling me for years. When I started around the first of October, give or take a few days, I was 6'2" and weighed somewhere between 265-270 lbs. I didn't check to see...