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  1. P

    Girlfriend has had sex with 12 guys before me

    Thank you for your insight but as aforementioned it did bother the **** out of me but it doesn't anymore, I guess I had some mental realization thing that happened upon the time I posted this thread and now but regardless of that I'm more comfortable with it now and in no means of bringing her...
  2. P

    Girlfriend has had sex with 12 guys before me

    Call it what you may, it does sound absurd I admit with me posting this thread then being all like oh now I'm over it, the fact I've been with this girl quite a while and yes I'm young but with the help of all your responses and with that all women forum post, it has better helped understand and...
  3. P

    Girlfriend has had sex with 12 guys before me

    No problem, I'm the OP of this thread and at first I was furious about this stuff, but reading how those women reacted to their sexual partners has lead me to believe that partner count is a double standard and yes I know women should respect themselves but at the end of the day we are humans...
  4. P

    Girlfriend has had sex with 12 guys before me An all woman forum, check that out guys
  5. P

    Gender Equality

    My question is if a guy has slept with 30 women and a girl has slept with 30 men, which is more worst and why? We all claim we want gender equality so why must one gender fall under criticism and be bashed when it comes to sexual experiences, what are your thoughts?
  6. P

    Girlfriend has had sex with 12 guys before me

    actually at first she was strong she admitted that she faltered and right after the last guy she beat herself up about it and said she doesn't want that whole messed up scene come back again, in sense she was not gonna falter again, as you have a girl that you are in love with i think maybe you...
  7. P

    Girlfriend has had sex with 12 guys before me

    dude the **** is weighing heavy on my mind, i just want opinions/advice that can make me be at ease to be honest, i do care for her as i have not cared for any of my exes or past relations and i'm trying to cut myself a break, she is genuine but like i said i'm more disappointed than mad
  8. P

    Girlfriend has had sex with 12 guys before me

    sorry about the grammar as i'm not in a open state of conscience as you at this point to make a small misdemeanor in punctuation and i just didn't know how to interpret the message that's all
  9. P

    Girlfriend has had sex with 12 guys before me

    her first was when she was 21 and same for her second, she didn't **** any guy she didn't knew
  10. P

    Girlfriend has had sex with 12 guys before me

    the second one was raw yes and the first one like i said the condom broke and yes she is tested, she got a check up few weeks back and nothing showed up and i take a test monthly and i'm clean
  11. P

    Girlfriend has had sex with 12 guys before me

    What do you mean i won't ready for her if i can't do those stuff?
  12. P

    Girlfriend has had sex with 12 guys before me

    it's pretty much been a stress yes because i've only know this for a month or two and yes it has been on my mind for a month or two, the thing is about the abortions, like i said one guy bailed and that was because the condom broke, the next guy i know, he is worthless but she didn't know how...
  13. P

    Girlfriend has had sex with 12 guys before me

    She is not trying to use it as a self esteem booster, she was in a rough phase of her if where she didn't have anyone to talk to and trust so in sense she was rebelling, her exes messed her up bad and i have been a guy in a long time she has been able to trust which is why she told me all of this
  14. P

    Girlfriend has had sex with 12 guys before me

    I'm trying to let go but the only way i feel like i can let go is by shutting down my emotions in general and some parts she confessed and some i asked because that was all my mind was wrapped around, she cries because she knew she messed up and that she allowed herself to be used and didn't...
  15. P

    Girlfriend has had sex with 12 guys before me

    I seriously need help/advice on this topic, first off my now present girlfriend had a crush on me when we first started talking because her and I had took a class together but we didn't talk to each other i the class and we started to talk months after only because her friend sorta knew me and...