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  1. I

    Get them wet while dancing

    Because of the positive response in her body-language (mirroring). And I guess the kissing that immediatly followed, might be considered a positive effect as well. What do you expect, a ! close on the dance floor?
  2. I

    Get them wet while dancing

    Last nite I closed this girl by using a technique I didn't even know was a technique. I had no idea it could be that effective either. It all starts with dancing at the club. Now, it's pretty easy to get at least one girl to dance with you at a club. Once you got her, start grinding. Now for...
  3. I

    From AFC* to 'So pimp its scary'

    Great post for inspiration. I'm at the stage of reevaluating my whole game, and finally realized what it takes. I've frequented this site before (about a year and a half ago), but didn't take it seriously. The sooner we learn that it's not an overnight process to becoming a DJ the better. Good luck!
  4. I

    How to use cheesy PU lines

    Guys; I know this is a lame-ass technique, and I don't use it myself, but what I do know is that it works. I've seen it happen way too often. Keep in mind you wouldn't use this for girls you plan on seeing in the future. This is for ONS and random hookups. Right now we are both in Italy studying...
  5. I

    The Ultimate Cologne Poll...2...!!

    Everytime I see one of these polls or see you guys talking about cologne, the same ones are mentioned over and over and over... I thought the essence of a DJ is to be distinguishable from the crowd. How are you planning on doing this by wearing run-of-the-mill cheap-@ss cologne. Ditch the Tommy...
  6. I

    How to use cheesy PU lines

    For the first time in my life I've witnessed someone use cheesy pickup lines correctly and effectively, and I'm talking about the worst ones in the book! I just met this guy, that hooks up more than anyone I know (cold hookup and ONS), and he almost always breaks the ice with an awful PU line...