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  1. O

    The power of keeping exs around and not holding grudges

    I kept an ex around recently and she started f***ing one of my buddies ( I encouraged it to get her off my back) and I started chilln with her on occasion as friends. A few of her friends are pretty hot so naturally I was hoping to be hooked up, esspecially after being cool about her doing what...
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    Ever called a girl out on her flakiness?

    IMO, If you've already smashed then you could but nothing positive will come out of whining to her if shes probably just not interested. It will only make her less interested.
  3. O

    Cold Showers. Benefits?

    For the last three weeks i've been taking cold showers instead of hot. I started doing this after reading a few different articles that explained the benefits of these showers. Not sure how credible the research is but apparently taking cold showers regularly is known to provide positive results...
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    Another post about POF..

    Lol After using the site for a day or two my final analysis is that its a good place for not good looking girls who are better looking than really not good looking girls to act snobby and good looking when they are not. I may check out okc though based on some of your responses.
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    Another post about POF..

    Legit or all trannys? lol. Just curious because ive recently created a profile out of boredom. Anyone actually meet girls IRL off this site?