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  1. Z

    Bad Patches in Relationships

    So, We met up and I was of the mindset that we need to break up. Me being me though, we talked for an hour or so and my girlfriend professed her love for me, that she was in fact very happy with me and that she had been a real b*tch and been out of line. She's getting her own place and is now...
  2. Z

    Bad Patches in Relationships

    No joke, but some of your experiences are sobering thoughts! Thanks for your responses.
  3. Z

    Bad Patches in Relationships

    The thought of 'if this happens now whilst we have no responsibilities, what will happen when there is a marriage/kids at stake?' is troubling...
  4. Z

    Bad Patches in Relationships

    Credit to her - she's always had a strong work ethic. It's never been a problem in regards to wanting an easy life off my back.
  5. Z

    Bad Patches in Relationships

    Thanks for your response Howiestern; glad to hear your situation has improved greatly. Yes she has referred to my ability to not take out my bad days on others, specifically her (of course I'm not infallible on this, like anyone) in the context of her saying she can't do what I do...
  6. Z

    Bad Patches in Relationships

    Thank you for your responses, particularly yours backbreaker. She came round the following day and apologized for her behaviour but said it was down to her feeling That she did all the chasing in the relationship with phone calls/arranging to meet up and was living a compromise by not living...
  7. Z

    Bad Patches in Relationships

    Hi guys, So here it is. I've been going out with my current girlfriend for the best part of three years now. She is a lovely person; very kind, thoughtful, intelligent and beautiful. Unfortunately, we row I would say every two to three months, but the last couple of months have been...