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  1. E

    Water before or after meal?

    If we drink water during meal so our meal will go down into our intestine and because there is a val on our stomach and when we drink water with meal than liquid put down meal into intestine so don't drink water 15 minutes before meal and till 30 minutes after meal.
  2. E

    Foods to eat to improve hormonal balance?

    Hormones are chemical that our body produce in the shape of energy.We can balance it in our body by using all the grains because they have a mild impact on your blood sugar level.
  3. E

    help needed in pumping up my body

    If your body is skinny and you don't have a time to gym then you brought some specific gym equipment at home and make 15 round and 3 sets of each game every day you will feel in few days that your skin is going to be tight as you want.